chapter 25

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I have a three day weekend!!! Yay! OK so  the end of last chapter must have been a shocker to everyone so I'm really exited to get this story moving forward so onto the story

Y/n pov

'Elizabeth's my daughter Elizabeth's my daughter' I repeated over and over in my head as I was smiling at the bar drinking Ale again

"Are you shure your Ok y/n? I can always run some tests on you in my lab if you need to" Merlin spoke

"Nope, just remembered you and gowther, that's all" I hopefully looked calm on the outside but on the inside, I was freaking out. So Elizabeth is my daughter, I'm half demon half goddes, and the reason this is all happening to me is because a curse the demon king put on meliodas. Me and meli will never age and we just come back to life. There wasn't really a need for me to have the 'never die' thing on me because of my power 'phoenix' funny how I'm the phoenix sin of destruction and my power is called phoenix. So my power is kind like a phoenix if you couldn't guess by the name. When I die my body burns into ash and I come back from my ashes, but since the curse from the demon king when I want to hang on to my life then I do the wierd thing instead of my ashes and I'm in a new dimension. But once I start getting my memories back 'poof' I'm here again and meli can't do a thing to have me remember. Life can't just be interesting AND easy I guess. And it also takes a minimum of 10 years for me to come back. And I remember having wings and they were this kinda light purple color and I was one of the most powerful demons up there with the commandments, the demon king, and the sons of the demon king, along with Cusack and Chandler. I have demon and goddess powers so that's cool. So I am also married to melodas and Elizabeth is our child. There was always this feeling of having to protect Elizabeth in the back of my head so now I know why. The wedding rings are in the dresser I think, in me and melis room.

"You ok y/n? You seem off in thought, what are you thinking about?" King asked

"Um- nothing" I said

"Let me Chek for you king" gowther said. He shot one of his memories arrows at me. I burnt it up with my fire immediately and it was purple. Did I forget to Merion that I got control over my powers? (Author- Chan did not forget if you were wondering)

"Huh!?" All of the sins said at the same time

"Y/n's power level just spiked to 50,000" gowther said

"WHAT!?!" king freaked out a bit

"Umm" I said trying to think of an excuse "I'm gonna go to bed
*fake yawn* yep,  turning in for the night. Good night everyone" I was walking up the stairs when I finished talking and got into me and melis room as fast as possible

"That was close" I said the myself after I closed the door to the room. I got changed into pajamas, right where I left them and remembered the rings

"I wonder if their actually there?" I opened the top drawer (droor, droar? I can't spell) and looked and found a tiny box. I opened the box and inside there were the two wedding bands both a shining gold, they were simple a gold band. I looked at them for a few minutes and then decided to go to bed. I put everything back the way it was and got into the bed. I was just about to be fully asleep and meli got into bed with me, the last thing I remember before falling asleep was him cuddling me, and then I was asleep

*morning brought to you by best friends Daphne and Wendy (if your reading this  know that your my best friends and that you can't tell anyone that I write stories) but my amazing followers that don't know me personally can go right ahead and tell whoever you want~*

I woke up with a strange feeling that there was something on my back. I knew it wasn't meli but then what was it? I sat up barely not expecting the weight on back. I looked and there I saw the light purple wings

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! OH MY GOD!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"WHATS WRONG Y/N?!?!!?!?" meli burst into the room and the other sins gathered around him in the doorframe. He seemed calmer than when he came in yelling bit all the other sins had a look of utter shock on their faces (BTW Merlin isn't there because she is surprised by nothing)

"Got my wings back heh heh" I said timidly looking at them


Ok, so this chapter probably sumed up the confusion you guys had about the things so if your confused on anything just comment and I'll tell you stuff if it doesn't need to be kept for later and I will put it on a Q and A on the next a/n so keep those comments coming because I reflect myself in y/n's character and I'm super forgetful so I probably left something out that I shouldn't have so have a nice day/ night I still don't stalk you so Idk

Author -chan out

936 words

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