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Dwight escorts me all the way down to the most tucked away corner of the sanctuary, the cells. There's about three of them, small little windowless cement rooms. No source of light, nothing but silence. Well in my case that's what I'll be met with.

"Bought time you get something for your actions."

"You don't know half the shit I've had to put up with." I snap at Dwight but we both silence quickly as Negan catches up.

Dwight opens the cell door as it creeks open.

"Get in" he demands as I step in the freezing room without a fight.

"I'll take it from here." Negan says dismissing Dwight.

"Hopefully one night in the hole will get your head on straight. Will help you process what we've talked about and tomorrow we can have a very VERY long discussion. So don't get too fucking comfortable in here." Negan explains, "I'm doing it because I have to Kendall." He reassures me in a not so reassuring way at all. He doesn't have to do this, he didn't have to do half the shit he's done.

"I understand." I say coldly but the truth is I don't understand but what I do understand is I'm going to be as far away from here as possible in a matter of 48 hours or less.

He just stares at me, taking me in and I do the same knowing this is probably going to be one of the last times I ever come face to face with this man. This man who I both despise with all my being but love with all my heart in the most toxic of ways yet somehow... it balances.

He shuts the door and locks it as I lay in the complete darkness, the only light is a thin strip from under the door from the lights in the hallway. I sit against one of the cement walls and the silence slowly becomes maddening. Being locked in here with my own thoughts, my own mind. Memories flash through my head of everything I've gone through so far. The fights with Negan, the fact my parents practically abandoned me, these creatures that now roam the earth. It hits me like a wave, strong and forceful as the sadness and depression take over. I close my eyes but hate what I see. And the thing is I'm not sorry, I'm not sorry for anything I did. I'll never see it Negan's way and he will never see it mine.

The night lingers and I drift in and out of restless sleep. I wake up for the hundredth time and look towards the door as a shadow passes by causing absolute darkness for a moment. Then I hear something ruffling under the door. I hesitate but then rush over and pick up the thin piece of paper with a pin attached to it. I try my best to read it with the tiny stream of light I have access to.

If you're going to leave, do it now.

I panic for a second. This has to be another set up right? How would I even get out of here. I feel for the lock and break the pin as I try my best to work through the lock. Who would've even written this?

Sherry? Would she really risk getting caught for me?
Maybe it was someone who wanted me gone like Dwight or hell... maybe even Julie. I then remember what Negan said, he was the one writing me letters all along. This has to be a setup.

I continue on with my risky move and to my surprise a few moments later the door opens. I peek out super suspicious but when I see nobody I make a run.

'Where would I even go?' I mentally argue with myself slapping my pockets in frustration but then I feel it. The keys Chase handed me. He said he had parked a car right up the road. I run down the hall and into Chases room and grab my bag.

Sweat beads on my forehead as I take the back fire-escape out of the building and breathe in the crisp air.

"It's now or never Kendall." I say to myself

I climb down the fire escape ladder and hit the ground running. But how am I going to get out of here? The fence is too high for me to climb. I look around and see the storage shed and decide to raid it. I grab a couple flashlights and see bolt cutters... perfect. I grab them and run slicing through the fence as quickly as I can without causing too much of a distraction. The last thing I need is anyone to hear me, the dead or the living. I push the damaged fence forward and squeeze myself through the small space. I then head as quickly as I can up the hill towards the outpost.

I run as far as my feet will take me until I see the shiny rims of the vehicle. Before getting in the vehicle I decide to raid the outpost. There's a couple handguns an AR and then I see it, a crossbow it's a small handheld one which is perfect for my size. I grab as much as my hands can hold and run to the car. I open the car and throw my bag in the trunk along with the guns as I hop in the front and start the engine. It has nearly a full tank of gas which is plenty to get me far away from here.

But where do I go from here? He knows my entire plan I made with Chase. I open the glove compartment and see a map as I open it vigorously. I told him I was going to go back home or to go west. But back home could come with disappointment and depending how far west I go could come with more of the dead.

I figure my best option is to go south. It's warmer which will help in the winter, more open area, and it's far away from here.

I hurry as quickly as I can as I reverse the car and drive constantly turning around waiting for someone to be behind me. But to my surprise, nobody shows. 

I am free.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now