Trap Door

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"Group A. You go in, clear the building, Group B follows to clean up whatever is left behind. Dwight, Simon, Kendall, Joseph. You're with me." Negan explains. "Everyone clear? Let's go then, I don't got all fucking morning."

I follow Negan and the rest of the guys to a van which brings us to a warehouse type building. It is surrounded by a fence. I think it could be a type of military base. Group A goes in first while Group B checks the perimeter. There's at least ten biters that they kill swiftly. I have a knife and a pistol to defend myself with.

We come to a stop. Dwight and Simon exit the vehicle and just as I am about to also, Negan pulls me back.

"Stay close and follow my orders. This is your first run so lay back. I don't need you getting in the way if shit goes wrong. Or worse..."

"Okay. I will." I confirm looking at him. He grabs his... Lucille... and we exit the vehicle. The first thing we enter seems to be more like a tent than a building. There's some flashlights and other supplies that we grab. The first group brings it to the trucks as we continue. The next building we get to is a medium sized building. There's a door which is locked sealed shut.

"I bet there's something really fucking good back there." Negan says.

"Probably. There's a light on." Dwight agrees pointing out the light shining from under the door but no matter how hard they try they can't get in.

"There's got to be another way in."

While they debate and argue I look around. There's not too much but I see some faint lines on the ground, I nearly miss them. I move towards it and find a trap door on the floor. It is small. Just big enough for me to fit in and crawl through.

"Hey." I say flashing my flashlight trying to see how deep this goes. Dwight and Joey come over and look too.

"Negan." I call as he turns around and walks over.

"Hell is this?"

"I don't know... but I bet it leads into that room."

"She's probably right. This is probably a fire escape door or something. Problem is, it's pretty tight. I don't know if anyone can get through that." Simon explains.

"I'll go." I volunteer.

"No, you sure as shit will fucking not." Negan decides.

"I'm the only one who will fit."

"Who knows how many dead ones are behind that door." Simon says

"By the sounds of it none." I respond "I can do it, if I hear anything I'll back out."

"Well what if we can't get you out?" Dwight asks.

"I doubt anyone else could fit down there." Joey says

Silence. We stand in silence just looking at each other.

"We've got to get in there. Fuck. It's like a fucking Christmas present. I gotta see what Santa fucking brought me. I just fucking have to." Negan rants.

Before anyone can stop me I start down the ladder.

"Kendall stop. That's an order!" Negan reprimands.

"Let me just see how deep this shit is." I practically beg.

"Fine." Negan says giving me the green light

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now