Yes Girl

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The morning sun rose over the sanctuary but we have been awake hours before. We loaded up the trucks and ammunition. A few days passed since Negan and I's incident so the air has been pretty much cleared. The only problem has been our disagreement on how to go about today.

I would prefer for us to negotiate. Offer protection and labor in exchange for 5-10 percent of crops and other resources the sanctuary doesn't have. But Negan has other ideas. He would prefer to use his scare and intimidation skills to get what he wants and he won't settle for anything less than half.
Simon would much rather just over throw them entirely.

"Now remember, I'm doing all the talking. You just sit back and look pretty for me. Be my 'Yes Girl' for the day would you?" I can't help but to roll my eyes right in his face as his expressions stiffens, "watch how you look at me. Especially in front of my fucking men. Am I clear?" He warns.

"Crystal."  I mumble shutting the trunk to his vehicle.

"Listen up fuckers. Let's make this a successful trip. In and out, nobody gets hurt. Well, at least none of us. We'll see about them." He smirks darkly. "Kendall you're with me." He announces as if that would come across as a surprise to anyone.

I sit inside of his vehicle in the passenger seat. There's no way he'd ever let me drive. It's just us and I'm kind of thankful. He puts on a show in front of his men, always trying to look tough and it's exhausting to me. We sit in silence for the first few minutes of the journey. He's too excited for this to speak, and that's scary because he's never speechless. I can tell he's plotting something in his head. It frightens me, and the closer we get the more sick I feel about this whole plan.

"Negan?" I ask a lot less confident than I intended.

"Hm?" He asks, eyes glued to the road.

"I don't understand why we can't just do it the way we originally planned. Without the weapons, the intimidation."

"Because Kendall, it's a big bad world out there and they'll eat you right the fuck up and shit you right the fuck out. You think I wanna go up in there all Rambo style? Fuck no. How many fucking times have I said people are a resource. But if they try to harm us what other choice do we have? It's just there in case we need it." Negan attempts to reassure me. But I know there is something going on. I feel like it's something everyone else knows except me.

"Well we could at least try it my way first." I sigh under my breath.

"You're just too fucking adorable. Thinking if we use our 'please' and our 'thank you' that they are just gonna hand over their shit that they worked hard to build. Kendall, they are probably expecting some asshole like me to show up one day. They are probably waiting for it to happen. And they should be grateful it's us knocking on their door rather than someone just bustin' it in. You understand what I'm saying?"

"I guess so." I mumble staring out the window.

"You should be fucking thanking me for letting you come to this. For letting you get a fucking say in the plan. There's not many people that I let in you know. Not many fucking people at all" he informs me as I am finding it more and more difficult to hold my tongue. Having to walk on eggshells and hold back everything I want to say to him.

Eventually we pull up to their walls. They are tall and made of solid wood. But we could definitely knock them in if Negan wanted to. His men are already out, Simon is giving his spiel. Eventually Negan exits the vehicle signaling for me to follow. To my surprise the gates open and we walk in. Faces of uncertainty and fear surround us. I'm not sure what was said, but it already seems like we are off on the wrong foot. I try to give a sympathetic smile but it seems the damage has been done.

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