Freaky Deaky

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Sexual content

The next morning I am awoken to pounding on the door. I shoot up from the bed and Negan doesn't even budge. Still knocked out from traveling and last night I suppose. I swing my legs over the side of the bed forgetting I'm in nothing but panties and his white shirt. I pull the door open and here we go again.

"Is he not fucking back yet?" She spits.

"He came in last night if you must fucking know." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah well I need to talk to him. Let him know you bruised his precious wife's rib cage. Had to ice it for HOURS."

"Serves you right. It was self defense. If I do recall you tore up my fucking room and slapped me first. So you had it coming."

"Yeah and you ran like a bitch."

"I didn't run. I'll put you on your ass right here, right fucking now." I threaten.

"Do it. I dare you." She says as we get closer in each other's faces.

All our bickering causes Negan to get out of bed and he does not look happy.

"Fucks going on?"

"She came banging on your door." I say.

"Negan! I need to talk to you..." she says.

"Then fucking talk Julie." He groans wiping his eyes.

"Um, I prefer it be alone. I'm scared for my safety." She says playing victim as I roll my eyes, she is so pathetic. I look at Negan who just shrugs. I retreat to his room shutting the door behind me and listen through the door.

"Negan you'll never believe what she did to me last night! She ripped the beautiful necklace you gave me off my neck. And she kicked me in the chest. Like super fricken hard I had to go to the infirmary. I think she broke a rib. And what happens? She stays the night in here!"

"Well where else was she gonna fucking stay? Didn't think that shit through did you. That's what happens when you destroy people's shit. Speaking of... those dressers, the mattress was my shit. That shit was hers to fucking borrow. Also if you could give her fucking book back that'd be great."

"It's not fair she spends all this fucking time in here. She's not one of us Negan, she isn't a wife."

"You need to mind your business and stay in your place. I provide for you, you don't even have to lift a finger, I'll get you a new fucking necklace doll okay? Just please, please leave Kendall alone and play nice with her. I get it, you were top dog. I bet that shit hurts. You know, this kinda thing just tickles my balls... having two hot beautiful women fighting over me. But listen, you still got to make up for destroying that shit. That was not fucking cool. None of this catty bullshit is cool. This shit doesn't fly. So give me her book and see what the saviors brought back with the other ladies."

"Alright." She sighs. I hear the door open and close. There's some silence and then I hear the door again.

"Go on now." Negan says as she leaves. When I hear his footsteps I plop on the bed and pretend I wasn't totally just eavesdropping.

"Well now that that's over and done with." He says crawling on top of my body.

"I don't know why you put up with her." I shrug.

"I don't know either. But I just fucking do it. Alright?" He groans as I shrug.

"To each their own." I say suddenly feeling unsure of everything. I don't want to fall too deep for him. I don't want to get hurt. But God could I love this man. Could I? I think he is picking up on my unsureness. He's like a fucking mind reader.

"You wanna go out somewhere? Get you some new shit?" He offers.

"It's fine. I'm sure I can find some stuff in the main hall."

"No come on. Let's get the fuck out of this depressing hell hole. I got just the place to show you. Saviors and I scouted it out a week or two ago."

"Where?" I ask

"Just get fucking dressed, you're gonna love it."

And with that I'm intrigued enough but then I remember I literally have no clothes. So I tug on the jeans I wore last night and keep his shirt on. I put my hair in a ponytail and walk to my room to search through the rubble.

"Let's go." He says as I throw on some shoes which thankfully survived with little damage.

"I'll have someone clean this shit up and get you new furniture."

"Thanks." I mumble as we go down and outside. A bunch of men take notice of me and him and I feel really uncomfortable for some reason. I hop into his black pickup and a few of his saviors follow behind.
We arrive in a huge empty parking lot and a giant building stands in front of us.

"Is this a mall?" I ask curiously

"We have a winner." Negan says.

"Won't this place be like.. totally overrun?"

"That's what we sure as shit thought. Until we were able to get in. Must've closed up early or possibly hadn't even fucking opened at all. But I'm sure as hell there's good shit in here."

"Alright." I say as we get out. Negan orders the saviors around as we go in the front ourselves. It was padded up with wood and had a security fence around it. But they were able to get in with ease. When we enter it's dark, but the light outside seeps through the windows enough for us to see well enough. I look at the stores. Some jewelry stores, clothing stores, sports stores. A bit of everything.

"Well men, you take the bottom floor." Negan orders as they nod. The place is super clean it's crazy. Everything looks untouched. We enter a pharmacy first and I hop the counter. He hands me a duffel bag.

"Take everything. Doctor will sort through the shit worth keeping." Negan explains as I nod "I don't know why the fuck we didn't come here sooner." He adds looking around. Once we finish he hands the bag to one of his men as we go to a clothing store. I grab a few things, enough to get me by and the saviors grab the rest. Negan and I walk by ourselves down the pathway. We look to our left and a million dollar shit face smile appears on his face. I look up to see why and I realize we are standing outside a VS lingerie store.

"Fuck. My dick is just twitching looking at those outfits and picturing them on you."

"Nothing like being subtle." I laugh at his straightforwardness.

"You've got to give me a little fashion show. It could be my thank you for bringing you here."

"In your fucking dreams." I laugh as we look through the stuff.

"Come on Kendall. Live a little." He smirks holding up a lacy one piece lingerie.

"You're batshit crazy." I say

"No. I'm just a man. A man who is hoping for a little freaky-deaky." He says crossing his fingers.

He walks away and to humor him I grab red lacy lingerie and slip it on.

"This what you wanted?" I ask as his head spins around and his eyes nearly bulge out of his head. That's not the only thing bulging either.

"Holy mother fucking shit." He groans "would you look the fuck at you. My fucking gosh. We gotta go. Fuck I gotta have you."

"Calm down." I laugh as he moves closer to me.

"I make the orders here." He growls hungrily coming closer and pushing me into a dressing room.

"Someone's going to hear us." I laugh.

"Let them." He groans taking me right there in an abandoned mall for any of the saviors to hear.

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