2. the plan

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"What do you mean I'm going to get back at him?" I asked confused.

"You obviously don't fall for his games, you wouldn't catch any feelings for him," She said grabbing her notebook.

"I don't know, Ari," I said, unsure if I should even do this.

"Please, Mila. I'm begging you," She said as she popped her bottom lip out and begged.

"What do I get out of this?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"The satisfaction that we are going to put Charlie Gillespie in his place," She said.

"He doesn't even know I exist. This is never going to work," I said running a hand through my hair.

"Oh, but he does. He asked about you tonight, which made me very confused. As I was leaving, he asked if you were single," She said. "So he obviously knows who you are,"

"I don't know, Ari," I said once again unsure.

"Please, for me," She begged again, as she grabbed my hands.

"Fine," I huffed. "What is this plan?"

She handed me the notebook as I began to read. Wow, she really thought this out. Wait, she's only been home 20 minutes. Damn she works fast.

∙Rule #1: No sex, ever
∙Rule #2: No meeting parents, too many attachments
∙Rule #3: Go to every gig his band plays

"He's in a band?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I don't know the name of it. But, I know Owen Joyner, Madison Reyes, and Jeremy Shada are all in it with him," She said as I looked back down at the notebook. "Keep reading,"


-Learn about the real Charlie
-Find out what makes him tick
-Become his weakness

-Make him fall in love with you
-Be the one he goes to for anything and everything
-See who he is behind the mask of popularity

-You will go to his big birthday party together in August
-Have a good time and get him happy
-You will then get him alone and break his heart

"I have to do this until august?" I ask, more confused than ever. "That's 5 months from now!"

"That gives you more than enough time to make him fall for you," She said smirking to herself.

"Isn't it kind of sick to break his heart on his birthday?" I ask.

"No," She said bluntly. "It's what he deserves,"

"Wow, you really thought this out huh?"

"Oh, one more thing; you can't tell anyone," She said as my eyes widen. I swear they're gonna fall out of my head by the end of this conversation.

"Not even Ryder?" I ask, wanting nothing but to tell him what mess I got myself into.

"Nope, not even Ryder," She said putting her hands to her hips.

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