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March 6, 2018

"Okay, I was thinking we talk about how Chile gained its independence from Spain in 1818, on one slide," Ryder said as he typed away on his computer.

"Then the next slide we can talk about their traditions," I said feeling very proud of myself.

Coming from a Spanish background, this was exciting stuff for me. My mother was actually born in Chile, so this was really cool. To be doing a project on a place she came from and made her who she is today. She came to America a few years before my sister, Mia, was born. Wanting to start fresh and have a better life and opportunities for her children in the future.

"Charlotte, are you even paying attention?" Ryder asked as she just stared at her phone.

"I think you guys are fine without me," She said going back to her phone.

"No," I said snatching her phone out of her hand. "You're going to help us or we're not going to put your name on the project. And miss princess can't get a zero can she?"

Ryder looked at me, confused at this newfound confidence I gained today. Honestly, I was shocked too. Any other day I would have just let her sit back and do nothing, but I guess today's different.

"I don't know who you think you're talking to, Rose," She snarled as she snatched her phone out of my hand.

"Yeah, I could say the same thing. I'm not playing Charlotte. I will not put your name on this project," I said rolling my eyes.

"Go ahead, I don't care. I'll just tell Señora you guys wouldn't let me do anything," She said in rebuttal.

"As if she'll believe you," I said rolling my eyes again.

She huffed and began to look at Ryder's computer. I'm not sure what has come over me today, but I kind of liked it. Ryder continued to type fast on his keyboard, making sure our PowerPoint perfect. Though it wasn't due for another month, we liked to get things done so we didn't have to worry about it later. We could get it done today and have the next month carefree.

"There," Ryder said as he cracked her knuckles. "Done,"

"We're done?" Charlotte asked clearly confused.

"Yeah, every time we get paired together we finish it early so we don't have to worry about it later," I said, putting my notes in my backpack.

"Maybe I need to get paired with you guys more often," She chuckled a bit.

Ryder and I looked at each other, confused if she really had just said that.

"So, Mila," Charlotte said making me turn my head towards her. "I heard you have a date with Charlie tonight,"

My eyes went wide, I hadn't told Ryder about it yet.

"Oh, yeah," I said nervously. "Who told you that?"

"I'm popular, I know everything," She smirked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I could practically feel Ryder's eyes burn holes in the back of my head, but I wasn't going to turn and look at him. He would only scold me for going on a date with the spawn of satan. If only he knew.

Soon, the bell rang and I ran out of the library. The school day had ended and I wanted nothing more than to go home and mentally prepare myself for this date. I made my way through the halls before finally approaching my locker and opening it, grabbing everything I needed to finish my homework that night.

"Mila," A voice came from beside me, I knew it was Ryder. "Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date? And with Charlie of all people?"

"I don't know, I just thought 'why not?'," I said trying to sound as believable as possible. "I'm gonna be fine, Ryder,"

Project Heartbreak - Charlie Gillespie {a.u.}Where stories live. Discover now