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August 25, 2018

Charlie and I walked hand in hand into the big building where his party was held. Balloons, streamers, and lights filled the room. It was pretty extravagant. Something I never thought Charlie would like, ever. The place was crazy.

"This is huge, Charlie," I said as he continued to walk.

"I know," He smiled. "Owen and Madison always go all out for my birthday,"

"What about Jeremy?" I asked.

"He helps yeah, but Owen and Mads are the main ones who do the big things like this," He said as he waved to a few people we passed.

"You have some good friends,"

"I sure do," He smiled again and kissed my cheek.

The walls were covered in pictures of Charlie from young to old, with friends, family, and some even with me. Sometimes I forget that we have taken loads of pictures, especially before everything happened.

"Do you know where Ari went?" I asked looking around.

Ari was behind us when we walked in, so when I turned around and didn't see her I kind of started freaking out. She doesn't have a lot of friends and I really didn't want her to get lost in the sea of Charlie's party.

"I haven't, but I'm sure she's okay babe," He said reassuring me of my incoming thoughts.

I nodded my head and smiled. Tonight, was about Charlie, I didn't need to worry about Ari right now. There were many of Charlie's favorite things everywhere. And when I mean everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE.

"You better go all out like this for my birthday," I joked.

"Oh, don't let Madison hear you say that," He said as a figure appeared next to him.

"Let me hear what?" Madison asked as she put an arm on Charlie's shoulder.

"Mila wants you to plan her birthday party too," He said as I glared at him.

"That's great! Just let me know when and I got you!" She said excitedly then walked away.

"Charlie!" I said slapping his arm.

"What? You said it yourself," He chuckled as he put an arm around my waist.

I smiled at the boy next to me and thoughts swirled through my head. After everything we've been through, he still found a way to stick by my side and love me unconditionally. The way he was so passionate about everything he does in life, made my heart burst. I had never felt this way about anyone and I'm so glad it's Charlie.

"Okay, folks!" A guy with a microphone said walking onto the stage. "We have a special video for our special birthday boy! Roll the clip,"

I smiled at Charlie whose face immediately fell. My face went from a smile to a droop as I look back at the screen. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Guys, I'm just using Mila," The video kept playing and my heart kept sinking. "I do not intend on catching feelings for her. I mean, look at her; she's ugly. I would never in a million-years date someone that looks like that,"

I look over to Charlie with tears in my eyes. "That's what you really think of me?"

"Mila, no. I swear!" He said as I shook my head.

"It obviously is," I said wiping a tear from my cheek. "I thought things were getting better between us. I thought we were telling each other the truth finally. But I guess not,"

"Mila, please don't go," He said grabbing my arm. "Let's talk about this,"

"Charlie, let go before we both say something we'll regret," I said as he let go of my arm.

I instantly ran out of the building, not sure of where I was going. The sidewalk passed under my feet and I kept sprinting. There was no destination, just running. I couldn't believe after everything we had been through; he could say that about me. I really thought he loved me, but I was wrong.

"Mila!" I heard a voice from behind me, but it wasn't Charlie.

"What do you want Ryder?" I asked as I looked behind him. "Ari, what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk to you," Ari said, stepping next to Ryder.

"I know you guys did that video," I said.

I mean obviously, I knew, I'm not stupid. Ari has been trying to break Charlie and me up for months and I guess it finally worked in her favor.

"Why would you do that to me?" I begged, unsure if I even wanted the answer.

"You really want to know?" Ari asked as I nodded my head.


"Mila, I'm in love with Charlie! I made this plan so he would understand how he made me feel but instead, you guys fell in love. How do you think that made me feel when the guy I'm in love with fell for my sister? Mila, I felt pretty shitty," She said as my eyes widen.

"Ari, why didn't you say anything?" I asked, confused.

"Because I know you love him," She said with her head down. "And there's nothing I can do about it. So this was the next best thing,"

"I can't help who I love, Ari. It's not like I can just turn a switch off and not love him anymore. But, he obviously doesn't love me. So, he's all yours," I said, shaking my head.

"That's not the only reason we did this, Mila," Ryder finally spoke up.

"There's more?" I asked, confused.

"Mila, I've loved you since we were twelve and you've never seemed to give me the time of day. So I did the next best thing and became your best friend," He said. "When I saw you with Charlie, jealously erupted in my body. Mila, I've never felt like this for someone. But, it's you,"

"Ryder, you're my best friend," I trailed off.

"But, you love Charlie. Yea, I know," He said as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Did he really say all those things?" I asked, a tear running down my face.

"When you guys first started hanging out, yes. But, not recently," Ari said as I nodded my head and turned around.

What the fuck.

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