8. log two

603 16 2

March 9, 2018
Charlie took me to Disneyland tonight. It was so surreal, I thought I was dreaming. He rode every single ride with me and didn't even complain about it! I was so shocked when he agreed. Then he took me to the front of the castle and at first I was so confused. So many people were standing, gathered in front of it. Then the fireworks hit. I was in awe at how beautiful they were. They lit up the night sky and made every single star visible. It was so beautiful tonight. Then I kissed him. It was a kiss I had never experienced before. Not like the first one we shared together. I felt sparks and butterflies in my stomach. I was happy. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I guess you could say that the plan was finally working and it's only been a week. He opened up more to me about his home life. His parents divorced when he was young. He never had a stable relationship with either of them. They thought showering him with gifts would make up from them not physically being there. Jumping from home to home was definitely hard on him too, I could tell. This was a side of Charlie I had never seen before. A side that he, obviously, rarely shows people. And I don't know why. I feel like people are so quick to judge him because of the way he puts himself out there and the way he's treated girls in the past. He said he didn't want me to be like tose girls. He wanted this to last longer than a month. I really think he's falling for me.

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