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August 1, 2018

The summer seemed to fly by so fast. I barely remember anything I did besides laying in bed and shopping with Ari. Charlie and I never talked after that day after the mall. I did text him but never got a response.

I didn't expect him to answer but I mean he did say he wanted to talk. So that has left me with more questions than I had in the beginning.

"Why did we have to come back here?" I asked as we walked into the mall.

"We have 25 days until this party, gotta be in tip top shape!" She exclaimed.

"I still don't understand why I have to make myself look perfect. Charlie made it clear he liked me for me," I said rolling my eyes.

"Because, you're confessing your feelings in front of a lot of people and it needs to be perfect," She said, not turning around and looking at me.

I sighed and continued to follow Ari throughout the mall. We spent the next 3 hours finding small things to make whatever outfit I was wearing perfect. I still didn't understand. Charlie liked me for me.

"Ari, i'm just gonna wear what I want," I said pulling her out of the mall.

"It's not gonna work," She huffed as we walked back to my car.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because, this is a big moment. You have to look your best,"

"I always look my best," I laugh. "Ari, I got this,"

"Whatever you say," She rolls her eyes. "Is that Charlie?"

I turned to the direction she was staring at and sure enough, there he was. We made eye contact for a solid second before I quickly turned toward Ari.

"He's coming over here," She said as she walked away.

"Ari!" I yelled, frustrated.

"Mila," Charlie said as he approached me.

"Hi, Charlie," I smiled, trying not to make things awkward.

"Do you think we could talk?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, do you want to go for a walk?" I ask as he nods his head.

I often find myself walking through the park by myself, this time with Charlie. The beautiful trees, the way the yellow and red leaves crumple under my feet every step I take. When the flowers bloom and how it's the most spectacular sight you could ever imagine seeing, all the different colors that appear. When you breathe in and you get this smell of purity, you feel free and alive. Sometimes I like to sit on the old wooden bench where the bench frame is a little rusted, and I get rid of my thoughts and my eyes search the sky.

In the winter the icy breeze makes me shiver, and the cold air I take in, is like sitting in front of an air conditioner and breathing in. Some mornings the sun beams across the sky, which is not quite blue yet, but the sun has almost fully risen. When the wind blows, it grazes over the blades of grass. Some days I just stand and take a deep breath in and I can taste the spring.

When summer comes around, and the bees are buzzing, and the hot sun beats on the back of my neck, I lay on the soft grass and listen, to the birds chirping a beautiful song, and the kids playing in the park. The sky is the bluest view in sight. Walking through the trail full of mud and leaves always made me think about my life. It was always there when I needed to walk and get things off my mind. Looking around watching the leaves fall off tree after tree flying like butterflies, all different colors.

When they stopped, they immediately died and they were not coming back alive again. Piled leaves filled up under trees and children ran and jumped on them like they were pillows. These trees tripled the height of humans with numerous branches holding hundreds of leaves. While walking the river flows and it is such a beautiful view with the sun shining right off of it. The ducks and little birds chirping and floating through the smooth water puts a joy to my face. I found a rest area with a bench and by it was a fountain. The ripple of water and the singing that the birds formed made it peaceful to sit there and study the fountain.

"Mila," He began, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry,"

"For what?" I ask as the soles of our shoes continued to glide on the sidewalk.

"For not letting you explain. I know I should've," He said stopping and looking toward me. "I want to hear what you have to say,"

"You really want to know?" I ask.

"It's all I ask for, Sunshine," He says as I feel my face heat up.

"It all started when you and Ari went on that date. She came home in tears. She said that you tried to sleep with her and when she rejected you, you got mad. She came up with this plan to get me to break your heart, so you would understand how she was feeling. I didn't want to do it at first, but she begged and begged and practically forced me to. In the beginning, I was okay with it. I won't lie about that. When I first met you, i thought you were an arrogant asshole, which you were by the way," I said as he chuckled.

"The more time we spent together, the more I realized I had feelings for you. As soon as I knew, I told Ari I wanted out of the plan. And that's what I happened. I was out of the plan 3 weeks before those pictures were on your locker. It crushed me seeing the look on your face when you saw those pictures. I knew how bad I fucked up and didn't know if I was ever going to be able to fix things," I said as a year rolled down my cheek.

"Ari said that I tried to sleep with her?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah?" I said confused as well.

"I never tried to sleep with her," He said as I shook my head.

"What are you saying? Why would she lie about that?" I ask as I sit down on a nearby bench.

"I'm not sure, but I can promise you I never tried to do that," He said grabbing my hand.

"That just doesn't make sense. I don't understand why she would lie," I said shaking my head.

"I don't know either," He said, wiping a tear off my cheek.

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