5. log one

651 17 1

March 6, 2018
I had my first date with Charlie tonight. Besides him being his usual arrogant self, it was okay. Surprisingly he opened up to me pretty fast, telling me about his family life. He made it his mission to tell me that he worked for every penny he owns and that it isn't all daddy's money. That may be better, but I didn't like him flaunting it in front of me. I really wanted to get the steak because, I mean, it looked good. But, Charlie had to be his arrogant self and order for me. I mean, I doubt I would've been able to eat that whole thing but it did look good. When we were leaving he insisted on holding my hand the entire way out and the entire way to my house. I'm not sure if that's his way of showing affection but I gagged a couple of times. We talked for what seemed like hours and it was honestly kind of nice. Don't get me wrong I still hate the guy, but he's good to talk to. That's all I have for this date, I still hate him. Ari, if you're reading this, I hate you. 

these logs will happen every other chapter after like a date or when mila and charlie are alone, so you get a better look on how mila is feeling about everything. they will be short so bear with me on that. but once she gets to know charlie more they will definitely be longer :)

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