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May 25, 2018

I wish it could just be simple, like a retro pop song. "I want you to want me," Boom end of the story, we all live happily ever after. But, it's never really like that, is it? My bed became hard against my back, seeing as I had been in it for the past ten days. I never felt like getting up or talking to anyone. Charlie still hasn't answered any of my calls and texts. I mean, who would blame him? This was all my fault.

I shouldn't have agreed to the stupid plan in the beginning. But, it was finally graduation day so I had to put on a happy face. The white dress clad on my skin was very itchy, to say the least. It went down above my knees and hugged me in all the right places. My hair was down and curled, bringing out my highlights. I looked..okay.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. You can do this Mila. That's what I've been saying for the past two weeks. But, no matter how many times I told myself I didn't believe it. Nothing seemed like it would get better and I definitely couldn't do it.

"Mila! We're going to be late," Ari yelled as I hurriedly grabbed my things.

I quickly walked down the steps where my family was, seeing everyone dressed in such fancy attire. You wouldn't see them dress this nice ever again. I chuckled at them and smiled.

"Look at you, Mija," My mom said hugging me. "You're beautiful,"

"Thank you, mama," I smiled at her.

We all piled into my father's car and made our way to the school. The nerves were building up in my stomach and I felt as if I could throw up. I was so scared to get up on that stage and trip in front of everyone. That would be embarrassing. But, I was also scared to see Charlie. Scared to come face to face with the guy I hurt.

The school building came into my vision faster than I expected. My father pulled into the parking lot before I quickly got out and ran inside. I knew I was gonna be late if I didn't run. Ari ran close behind me, both of us out of breath.

"We made it!" Ari exhaled as we approached a group of students.

I let out a breath and frantically wiped my dress down. My stomach was twisted into a ball of nerves and my palms were sweaty. I don't know why I was so nervous. I've gone to school with these people my whole life, I shouldn't be nervous.

"Guys, get into your groups!" A teacher called as Ari and I ran to our groups.

We were grouped by last names and then put into a group on who would go first and after us. With the last name Rose, we had R's in front of us and some S's behind us.

I shot a coy smile to Ari who gave me a reassuring look. She grabbed my hand and gently squeezed to calm my nerves down. I may be mad at her right now but she knew the best ways to help me through anxiety.

We seemed to stand for hours, waiting for our turn to walk up onto the stage. And when it was my turn, my nerves went full force. My hands shook and I almost tripped a few times. When I grabbed my diploma and I got off the stage and ran so fast to my seat.

My breathing was heavy from a mixture of the running and the anxiety I just had. Ari grabbed my hand again, helping me down from the anxiety high. I controlled my breathing as they continued to call out names and numerous students walked up and back down to their seats.

I looked around and finally found him. He was sitting a few rows in front of me, a smile on his face. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and blank dress pants, he looked good. His hair was slicked in the right places so it didn't look greasy. And his smile was bigger than ever.

My smile faltered seeing how happy he was without me. Maybe it was a good thing. I was the one who agreed to the stupid plan, in the beginning, this is what I get.

"I have a plan," Ari whispered from beside me.

"I don't want in on any more of your plans," I snarl and roll my eyes.

"No, I think you'll want in on this one," She smiled.

"What do you mean we'll crash his birthday party?" I ask, confused.

"We'll crash it and you'll go on stage and pour your heart out to him," She said smiling at me.

"Ari, I don't know about this. Your last plan didn't go well," I said fidgeting with my fingers.

"You're not breaking anyone's heart this time. You're trying to get Charlie back," She said.

I looked at her and shook my head. I didn't want another plan to go horribly wrong and it bites me in the ass. I've never this way about anyone before, not until Charlie.

I sat on Ari's bed, confused. I wanted to do everything to get him back, but I wasn't sure if crashing his party was the best idea.

"His party is in like 2 months, you have time to decide if you really want to do it

"Maybe, I'll sleep on it. I just know I need to get him back," I said running a hand through my hair.

"And you will, Mila. Just think about it okay?" She said grabbing my hand.

"This doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you," I said looking at her but not removing my hand.

"I know, and that's why I want to help you get him back," She said smiling.

I slowly let go of her hand and walked out as I gave her a small smile. I understand why she did what she did but Ryder was a different story. We all knew Ari was going to get hurt when she found out I was in love with Charlie. But, I still don't know why Ryder would do something like that.


June 20, 2018

"I'll do it," I said walking into Ari's room.

"Do what?" She asked, confused.

"I'll crash Charlie's party," I said as her eyes went wide.

"You're serious about this?" She asked. "It's been like a month, you needed that much time?"

"Yes. I want Charlie to know how much he means to me," I said smiling. "Yes, I needed that much time. I'm very indecisive,"

"Yes, I know, Mila," She chuckled. "Okay, here's the plan,"


More drama to come :)

sorry I haven't updated in a few days, school and work have been KICKING my ass

anyways, I love you guys :)

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