The Water Scroll

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Flying high, in the calming realm of clouds, Appa soared. The calm breeze brushing past Y/n's mysteriously long hair as Katara sat behind him brushing it.

Aang, pacing back and forth panting in nervousness, gets called out by Sokka who was at the head of the Avatar's very own flying bison trying to steer.

Sokka: "Aang, can you quit doing that? One bump and you're off the saddle."

Aang stops his pacing and faces Sokka.

Aang: "But I'm thinking about what avatar Roku said, I have to master the 4 elements before that comet arrives."

Sokka looks back at Aang and fires off a retort to fight Aang's own.

Sokka: "Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending, and that only took you 112 years. I'm sure you can master 3 elements by the next summer."

Sokka turns back and puts on a smug, condescending grin on his face.

Aang: "I haven't even started waterbending at we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I going to do?"

Aang's secondary freakout at Sokka's sarcastic comment caused Katara to stop brushing Y/n's hair to grasp Aang's wrist.

Katara: "Aang, calm down. It's gonna be ok."

Katara brings Aang down to sit beside her as she started to brush Y/n's hair again.

Katara: "If you want, I can try and teach you some of the stuff I know."

Aang gives off a large smile at her comment.

Aang: "You'd do that?"

Katara: "Yeah, but we'll need to find a good source of water first."

She spoke as she finished braiding the sides of Y/n's hair and leading them to the back of his head to make a small bun.

Sokka: "Yeah, maybe we'll find a little puddle for you guys."

Katara rolls her eyes at Sokka's retort.

Katara: "Voila! What do you think, Y/n?"

Y/n: "..."

Katara: "Uh, Y/n?"

Aang leans to his side to face Y/n and sees that he fell asleep in the process of hair brushing.

Aang [whispering]: "He fell asleep."

Katara: "Oh, guess I'll have to do this, then."

Katara picks up Y/n's journal and starts to write events of the last day and now.

She finished writing and places Y/n calligraphy pen inside the journal and closed it, putting the things inside his satchel.

Aang and Katara notice Appa descending slowly.

Katara: "You found something yet, Sokka?"

Sokka: "Yeah, I found your little puddle."

Katara and Aang look down to the ground and see a fairly large waterfall that flowed water to a pretty large river.

Appa descends slightly faster and reaches the ground in a few seconds.

Aang and Katara get down from Appa, Sokka grabs Y/n's stuff and gently placed them on the ground. He then climbed back to Appa and tried waking Y/n up.

It always amazes him. How could Y/n be such a light person but a sleeper that can rival Appa.

Sokka nudged Y/n's shoulder but no response.

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