#10 Beachin'

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Not much changes between Billy and I, we have a lot of sex. As it goes on, I feel so conflicted. I love how he makes me feel but I want more. I want to be his girlfriend again. Still, I keep my doubts to myself, and focus my energy in stocking up on supplies and helping Billy get better.

"I have an idea." I say one morning. "Stay here."

Billy gives me puppy dog eyes and I blink up to the bedroom, quickly putting on my new one piece swimsuit and throwing my hair up into a loose ponytail. I grab the swim trunks I stole for him and a tank top and blink back downstairs.

I fling the clothes at him and as he catches him them he jolts. "Ser, what?"

"You up for the beach?" I grab my sunglasses and put them on, then push them down and look at him. He smiles contagiously from ear to ear.

"You know me so well." he starts walking to change but then realizes it's just me so he strips in front of me. I look away, I can feel his eyes boring into me like they used to do in homeroom in high school. Once he's done throws his briefs off to the side.

I also throw a pair of sunglasses at him and he catches them and puts them on slowly. He is so hot and he knows it, cocky ass.

"Let's go." He says, pushing his glasses down like I did earlier..

"You can't get soaked though." I warn him. "It's going to mess this up." I gently touch the bandages under his tank top.

"So no surfing?" He asks.

"Not yet." Say. "But as soon as you heal we will go."

"A walk on the beach with you is all I need princess." He smirks and we walk out the door, then suddenly halts.



"How are we going to get there?"

"You'll see." I take Billy's hand in mine and lead him to the garage.

I open up the garage and reveal a Series C Vincent Black Shadow motorcycle. Brand new.

Recently stolen from my old haunts in London.

"When did you get this?" He puts a helmet on me and then one on him.

"I stocked up when you were asleep." I tell him. "Can you drive it?"

"Of course I can drive it." He mounts the motorcycle and turns it on, revving the engine. "Hop up."

I know how to ride bikes but I wouldn't want to you know, step on Billy's ego any more than I already have, so I let him drive. Besides, it's not hard. It's just a motorcycle. It's not like a bike or anything where you have to pump your legs to move. I hop on behind him and wrap my arms gently around his midsection.

"Let's go." He kicks the kickstand up and pulls out of my garage and down the road.

With the wind in our hair and the wheels tearing up the asphalt, we pass the streets we used to roam and the school we used to run around on the way to the beach that used to be our common home.

"You doing okay back there?" Billy asks.

Am I doing okay? Recently not really because I thought you were going to die and there's this big monster that's probably still out there and ignoring a lot of my problems but at least I have you and we're making things better so...

"Yeah I'm great." I say.

Truthfully I'm pretty happy to be going to the beach, I haven't been in years.

We park in the public parking lot and take our helmets off and hang them off the handlebars. The sound of the waves crashing against the sand is amazing. Many people play in the water and sun themselves, surfers ride the waves and crash into the water, then go to retrieve their boards. Billy looks wistfully out at the water.

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now