#13 Slide, repeat. Slide, repeat.

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Things change between us. We fit back into our old routines, our old nicknames and old habits. Old jokes. It's like we were never apart. Billy is making strides in his recovery, and he's soon back to his old self.

Today's date feels weird to me. I have the thought ever since I wake up and see Billy sleeping peacefully next to me. I don't want to wake him up, so I just turn on the TV because I can't for the life of me figure out why today feels so significant. Is it Billy's birthday? My birthday? Our old anniversary? No, it can't be because we never knew when that was. Tom's birthday? Tom's death anniversary? The day I arrived in London?

I sigh in frustration and glance over to the TV I have on at a low volume, and see a clip of a show about a little old place called Hawkins, Indiana. I've seen this before somewhere...

Could it already be the day I went to Hawkins...? No... Yes..?

I try to think about what I did leading up to his time before and after the time blink and the timelines match up.

"That's what it is!" I exclaim to myself and jump a little bit.

The feeling was trying to tell me that today is the day I arrive in Hawkins. That means today is also the day I...shoot! Today is the day I saved Max!

I leap out of bed and throw some clothes on, preparing for travel. I nervously touch Billy's necklace as I look over my outfit quickly in the mirror. Oh right, I need a flannel so I can bandage her leg up. I run back to the closet and pull a flannel out, tying it around my waist.

Then I exit and look at Billy. He's got fading bruises from his fight with Justin a few days ago, but he's getting better fast.

"Billy." I hop back onto the bed shake my boyfriend awake. "Billy."

"It's too early, go back to sleep." Billy moans.

"You don't even know what time it is." I scoff at him.

"I know I'm tired though." Billy pulls me close to him and kisses me. He has morning breath and normally I'd be okay with it but now, not so much. I'm on a mission. I struggle to push him away and finally free myself from his grasp.

"Billy, focus." I say.

Billy rolls over slowly and props himself up on an elbow, looking at me.

"I'm listening," he says with a big yawn.

"Today is the day I pulled your sister out of the way of that car. After I realized I'd travelled back in time I searched my memories for any significant events I was a part of and that was the only one. But somehow I've gotten caught up in that thing with Justin and the fight and somehow I forgot." I ramble on a little.

"What does that mean?" He asks. He looks so sleepy, he's still a little banged up from his fight with Justin.

"I have to go and save Max today or else she's going to get hurt." I say.

"What are you waiting for!" Billy sits up and makes a shoo motion with his hands.

"I was trying to-" I roll my eyes, exasperated.

"Go!" Billy yells and points at the wall behind me, (as if Hawkins is that way, please).

"Ugh Billy! Make sure you eat something for breakfast!" I kiss him quickly on the lips.

"Wait!" Billy says right as I'm about to blink.

"What?" I ask, annoyed.

"Can you make sure my dad isn't beating on her? Make sure she doesn't have any extra bruises or anything on her?"

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now