10| suicide bridge part 1

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We were filming a video for the TFIL channel and to be honest I was a little freaked out because of where we were going, we were filming and staying overnight at suicide bridge

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We were filming a video for the TFIL channel and to be honest I was a little freaked out because of where we were going, we were filming and staying overnight at suicide bridge. The others had been here before but I hadn't, mostly because I chose not to, my subscribers always requested it but I always refused, this place was last on my bucket list. I stood in between Sam and Colby wrapped in my blanket.

It was midnight when we started to walk down to the bridge and something already felt off, I had this pain in my chest all day but when we got here it got pretty bad, they had the ouija board but I didn't know if I wanted to play.

We had been walking down the path for a while but we saw a car that looked like it had been abandoned, I didn't wanna go near it and besides how would they have even brought a car down here anyway, I felt a tug on my arm and turned to see Colby,
"Hey are you ok? You seem a little off tonight?" He had his arm around my shoulder and his face was showing genuine concern, I just told him I was probably coming down with something and he didn't need to worry.

We kept hearing noises as we walked down and there was police tape blocking off the bridge area but Sam being Sam just went straight through it, meaning me had to follow.

I stood by Corey as they got the board out,
"Come and play guys" Elton spoke as he placed held the camera, then he turned to me,
"Chloe you're usually all for this stuff, you know Tommy and all" I shuddered at the name,
"One, Tommy is a child and feels connected to me because most of the adults that worked in the orphanage were women, 2, something just feels off tonight" Corey pointed at me agreeing.

We both ended up getting roped into playing, mostly because they weren't getting any activity without either of us, I put my fingers on the planchette and they felt like I was electrocuted but only slightly so I couldn't feel a lot, Colby looked to me worriedly but I just shrugged him off.

We asked if the board wanted to speak to Corey or me and it went to yes, I sighed looking away from the board,
"Why do you want to speak to Corey or Chloe" the board slowly started to spell out a word and went to D then E then A. I groaned as everyone guessed what it was spelling out, I started to freak out a little bit,
"Amanda, Sam, Colby promise me this isn't one of y'all" the all said no as Colby looked up to me and gave me a short smile but I couldn't return it. I took my hands off the board, I didn't care if the rules say I can't, this board is telling me I'm about to die.

My chest feels really tight so I just cough to see if it releases it but it doesn't work, Amanda also had her fingers off so she walked over to me and asked if I was ok,
"Chloe what's wrong?" Everyone else looked up to us, I just stood up and shook my head showing I was fine, we all had our fingers on the planchette and began asking more questions,
"Are any of us going to die tonight?" Corey asked and it started moving literally exactly after we finished, it landed on the number 2, Sam's nose started to bleed as I took my fingers off again, my chest felt so tight it was hard to breathe.

I walked over to a clearing and bent over, coughing a lot. They all walked over to me as I felt a metallic taste in my mouth, I put my hand against my lips and they were covered in blood, my breath hitched as I wiped the blood from my mouth with the edge of my hoodie,
"Guys!" I rasped as my throat was burning, I showed them my hand and Colby ran to me,
"Dude, she's literally coughing up blood and you still wanna play" I hear Corey plead from beside me, Colby wipes my mouth and stays close to me,
"Guys that's not a good idea to keep playing that"

We were interrupted by a really loud sound coming from behind the railing, we shone our flashlights as I moved closer to Colby wrapping my arms around his waist, we kept hearing noises and something was really off about tonight, something didn't want us here,
"Colby let's just go, something bad is going on" I sighed as I stepped away from him to stand next to Corey who was freaking out.

Sam suddenly starts freaking out and we see that the planchette is on no, we moved it to goodbye, we all start asking eachother who moved it, my eyes started to tear up as I moved even closer to Colby.

We saw even more blankets and hear something metal banging against something, it sounded like it was right next to us, I screamed as I jumped back, falling into Colby, he wrapped his arms around me protectively as we shine our flashlights around to try and see anyone who is stood around.

We go back to the area and see that the board is back on no,
"No, guys this isn't funny anymore let's go now!" I cried as I picked up my stuff, I was ok with exploring haunted stuff and ghosts but I had a limit and tonight was going above that level.

We move the board back to no AGAIN and put the board away, I start freaking out as the noises start getting close to us,
"Ok? We said goodbye, now let's go!" Corey and Amanda agreed with me but the others wanted to stay, we end up putting out blankets and sleeping bags down, I refused to sleep on the outside so I was next to Sam and Corey, I had put my blanket under Corey so we both shared his, Corey turned to me as we were led down,
"Is your chest ok? You were literally coughing up blood dude" I nodded and sighed pulling the blanket over me more,
"It's fine for now, but I really don't have a good feeling about tonight Corey" he nodded in agreement as we all moved closer to eachother for warmth.

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