15- the past

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I looked over to Colby to see him still sleeping, I slipped his arm off from around my waist and checked my phone,

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I looked over to Colby to see him still sleeping, I slipped his arm off from around my waist and checked my phone,


Chloe you'll never guess what happened to Jaz and I yesterday

I am never playing ouija ever again C

What happened?

We were in our old treehouse you know where we first played ouija to film for our channel and we kept hearing noises from the base of the tree, we stopped playing after not hearing anything and we moved the planchette to goodbye

But that's good right? She was there 4 years ago and is gone now that's good?

No Chloe you don't understand, Ella forgot her phone so we went to get it and the planchette was moved to sit on no.

Maybe the wind blew it? You know it's in a tree right? There's wind 🤣

Chloe we kept playing and it spelled out Amara

Buts that's not possible, we stopped her years ago?

Jasmine 🐳
That's not all Chloe

Guys you're scaring me what happened

It spelt Loey

And then coming

No one has called me Loey since. Well you know ...

Jasmine 🐳
Chloe listen, we moved it to goodbye again but the ladder fell from the treehouse, the ladder is bolted into the tree

Are you guys ok?

Yeah we are both fine but we were thinking about the whole Amara and Loey situation, we think that the event is going to replay itself

No, it can't you all know what happened last time, it can't happen again I won't let it

Jasmine 🐳
I'm scared that you may not be able to make that decision

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