Chapter 21 | This means war

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Mitsuki always on time at the most inconvenient moments had called you down for dessert just as the boy was leaning in once again. This made him audibly growl and clench his fists. You just found it endearing.

After dinner was over he had insisted on walking you home. He had seen the look on you face too both times and decided to leave you hanging a bit longer. As he left you at the door to the dorm he leaned in going for your ear instead of you mouth. “Goodnight y/n” he said quietly. Turning to walk away before anything would make him lose his cool.

Clenching your teeth you debated running after him taking what you wanted but no you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Instead you turned to the door locking yourself in. Getting a good night's sleep was what you needed right now.

Waking at the alarm blasting of by your ear sends you flying out of bed. Costumes are not allowed at the festival and you need to show up in you regular P.E. outfit. The evening where Aizawa ate dinner at your place he had informed you that he would be escorting you to the location this morning.

You feel as ready as you can be for the day. Eating you breakfast like normal you contemplate what to do for the day. All the pros will be watching and will be expecting a show. With this in mind you need to shoq of your versatility. Running water over the bowl with the last bits of breakfast you hear the doorbell ring. Already showtime.

Putting the cutlery to dry you walk to the door. The homeroom teacher is in his usual getup and looks as tired as ever. “Good morning sensei” you say in greeting.

“Morning miss l/n. You ready to go?” double checking your pockets for your mp3, phone, keys and seeds you nod. “Good let’s get going. It’s going to be a long day” the tone gave you no doubt that he was not excited for his role in today’s festivities.

He leads you to the front gate where a car is waiting for the two of you. Holding the door open for you he gestures you to get in first. Scooting in on the backseat he gets in just after you and closes the door.

The engine starts up and the anonymous chauffeur takes it to the road. “How are you holding up?” the homeroom teachers asks looking at you.

Biting your lip gently in nervousness you reply. “I’m as ready as I will be.” trying to sound confident.

“You’re going to do fine.” he says with little to no hint of encouragement but you know he means it in that way. He is looking out the window wincing as the huge crowd at the tournament stadium comes into view. The entrance is overrun already. A food and merchandise market has been set up and people are bustling around getting hyped for the main event.

Sighing he makes it very apparent that he does not like to be around too many people. “We’ll be going in the back. Fortunatly” he adds more to comfort himself. You extend to get a good look at the people celebrating the festival. This thing is definitely as big as everyone has been making it out to be. This in no way helps with your nerves.

The car pulls up to the back of the building where there are far less people. A few groups are making their way around to the front and the rest is staff, maintenance and security. Aizawa gets out and extends a hand in again grabbing yours to help you out as well. “I have other responsibilities to tend to. Class A-1 will be meeting in the chamber third on the right just inside the door.” he places his hand on your shoulder before he leaves. “Good luck!”

This somehow feels daunting the same way as the first day at U.A. did. Here is your first chance to show the world what you are made of, and you don’t want to blow it. You’re going for the top.

With confident steps you walk to the building and make your way to the appointed room for your class. Slightly shaking you push open the door to find the room empty. You’re the first to arrive. Tables have been placed on the space with enough chairs for the whole class. Lockers line the wall and you walk to the one with your name. Pulling it open you see three spare P.E. sets waiting for you.

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