Chapter 22 | Obstacle race

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It's a free for all at the beginning. Everyone is pushing and squeezing to get through the gate. Several times you get elbowed in the face. Seeing nothing but the crowd and a piercing light ahead. Slowly the light comes closer. It's getting hard to breath. You cannot wait any longer.

Standing your ground you gather up rocks around your feet and shoot up from the people around you. Air running freely above everyone. You moved just at the right moment. The entire hall is covered in ice and you spot Todoroki going for the lead as he skates past all other contenders.

Boosting yoyu levitation you shoot forward. Hearing explosions you know Bakugo is hot on your heels. Momo, Kirishima and Aoyama following along making their way forward. "Naive Todoroki" you hear the ponytail girl yell out. She is right. There is no way everyone in A-1 would get caught in that wave. We've all seen it before.

Bakugo is flying past you with his own battle cry ready "I won't let you get away so easily!" the face on that boy makes you glad you're not Shoto right now. With a large double handed blast he leaves you far behind "You half and half bastard!"

You hear cheers ring out behind you as more from your class break away. Chancing a quick look back you see people stumbling around on the ice. Snapping back into focus you push yourself forward still levitating to avoid the freezing ground beneath you.

Bouncing forward you see the little Mineta catching up to Shoto. Leaping from one purple ball to the other. He is getting ready to make a power move. He even got Todos attention for a split second before the little guy is flung off course by a gigantic robot.

The ice is no longer beneath you and you glide to the ground slowly letting go of the rocks around your feet not missing a single step as you begin to run. Kirishima in on your right. "Didn't know you could levitate y/n. That's impressive" you smirk back at him not wanting to waste your breath speaking. You push harder not letting him pass you.

Everyone is stopping at the robot barrier and you jog to a hold beside your once best friend not really knowing what he is in this moment. You hear him whisper. "So this is what they had to go up against at the entrance exam" glancing from him to the robots you realize how lucky you are for not having to go through that just to get into the school.

You are the first to react. Already having made up your mind. This is not a fight worth having but anyhow you run straight at the opponents. You can feel Todoroki shifting on the ground behind you. Knowing you only have seconds to react before his next ice wave is sent out.

Still running you flex and the ground under you sinks. "y/n" you hear Izuku call out in alarm as the ice runs over your head. Quickly you make a dirt ceiling. Still running full power you keep shifting the ground around you to open up in front and close behind you making an underground walkway.

You don't know what is going on above you but you dare not surface as long as the rumbles keep going. Air is getting sparse and you need to get up soon. Getting enough distance to the loud noises you start surfacing again breaking the ceiling.

Todoroki has made it past and is running full speed right in front of you and you hear the speakers call out. "Todoroki from class A-1! He attacked and defended in one hit! How elegant! Amazing he is the first one through" you can hear the teachers excitement.

You have fully gotten back to the surface now and are running straight for the boy through a thick layer of dust. "What is this!? Another A-1 student had made it through. y/n is gaining on the lead man! How in the hero world did she do it?" you hear a muffled voice ring out over the speakers.

"They both used strategy and logic. It's not really that hard" that voice and tone can only be one person. Now it makes sense why Aizawa was in a mood this morning. He would never willingly go into a speaker box.

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