Chapter 16 | Rebirth

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You don't quite remember how you got home, but when you wake the sight to greet you is your own familiars four dorm walls. Rubbing your eyes the arm reminds you of the injury you suffered yesterday. Shifting your hand to inspect it you see no scarring and no indication of burn. Things are slowly coming back to you.


You sit straight up when the realization hits you. He must feel so guilty if not then he'll have questions about the healing. Shuffling around to find your phone. You fish out the device from under your pillow a message already winking at you with the little notification light.

From: Bakugo

To: y/n

I'm sorry. You should take the day off today.

Feeling your heart and stomach drop. The need to see him burning hotter than ever. You look at the clock on the screen. It says 8.30. He should be up now. Biting your lip as you send your reply.

From: y/n

To: Bakugo

Can you come over?

You feel fine. Sure your muscles are aching from the continued use over the last week, putting that aside you're in perfect health. Slipping out of the bed and making it to your closet you hear a ring from the phone.

From: Bakugo

To: y/n

At the gate in 10

Not counting on him being so fast you throw on the first things you find. This being an old pair of wrinkled jeans and a worn t-shirt with a band logo. Running out the door you forget everything about your hair and makeup.

The boy is making his way through the entrance arch with his hands in his pockets. One hand playing around with the small pebble. His eyes convey how much it's hurting him what happened.

Jogging to a hold in front of him, his gaze moves to yours.

"No training today" he simply states. He takes an extra look at you and the state you're in. "Did you just get out of bed newbie?" his voice making is obvious that your look is doing you no favours.

Looking down at yourself you see how wrinkled your clothes are and you scratch you head. A small knot gets stuck in your fingers. You didn't brush it and your hair is everywhere.

Beautiful y/n. Just freaking beautiful.

"So what?" you shrug trying to sound nonchalantly. "Come on" you start walking back to the dorm. How you look is not really the most important thing right now and you cannot be bothered to be embarrassed.

He's not following you so you start pulling on the pebble in his pocket forcing him to tag along. After a few tugs he complies and you hear his heavy footsteps on the gravel behind you. Neither of you are making any attempts to start a conversation.

The dorms come into view and you see him taking in the scenery. Guessing he hadn't really taken any notice of them before. As you walk to the front door of the building where you're staying you fish out the key.

You hold the door to the common room open and slide past him after he enters. Making your way up the stairs to your room. He is looking around trying to take in the surroundings. He stops midway up the steps. This makes you pause as well.

"y/n?" a speculative Bakugo inquires.

"Mmh" you look back at him.

"Are you all alone here?"

Heatwaves (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now