Chapter 25 | Shields up

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Mind still lost in thought about Bakugo taking your hand you make your way through the backstage of the arena. Softly rubbing the place he caressed your skin. Trying to stretch out the feeling for as long as possible while embedding the memory in you mind.

He has gotten you all flustered again. The upcoming battle seem so unimportant now. You don’t even notice that there is already a person in the locker room waiting for his battle even though his is a few rounds away. Kirishima looks up as you enter the room and notice your distracted demeanor.

“Hi y/n” he says making you fall back into reality. As you turn to look you’re greeted with his pearly whites as usual. His first fight is against Tetsutetsu from class 1-B with an almost twin quirk to his own. Having to fight oneself is hard and almost never happens. Looking at him, he seems at peace with the through and ready to prove himself.

“Hi Eijiro!” You say a bit too loud. Matching his kind smile you offer him a fistbump as he hits it you say. “Good luck out there.”

The red head flex up for an instant before he replies. “Thanks. I just want to get out there now. The wait is worse than my nerves” his smile wavers slightly, betraying his confidence from just a moment ago. Before you can offer him more esurance he continues. “Your first fight is against Mina right?” you nod. “Easy peasy. She’s got nothing on you!”

Biting you lower lip a bit as his words are matching what Katsuki told you earlier. “Thank you, I’m sure it’ll be fine” you say. He takes in your expression and soon enough catch on to the fact that your mind is not really on the fight.

“So y/n, you shut me down last I asked.” He pauses. “Are you and Bakogou okay?” he enquires carefully. At the mention of the blonds name your attention is back on. Eijiro smirks at your reaction.

Dammit! I need to focus.

Sending him daggers with your eyes he gets defensive. His expression changes as he wonders. “I was just surprised you weren’t on our team for the chivalry battle. That’s all”.

You sit down at the table with your back to the door and he follows your lead sitting on the opposite side. “If you need someone to talk to I’m always here” he says as you have no reply for him. “I’m not gonna say anything to anyone y/n.”

Getting some of your thoughts out might help. Gathering courage you get ready to spill. As you inhale you look up at the boy in front of you. Seeing his expression gives you pause. His eyes are fixed on the door behind you. Wonder, fear and respect coat his demeanor.

“I believe you’re wanted elsewhere, boy” a dull and very familiar voice filled authority makes Kirishima stumble out of his chair. You keep still and hold your posture.

“Good luck” you say quietly to Eijiro who is busy making himself scarce. The boy practically runs from the room closing the door behind him as quietly as he possibly can.

The intruder makes his way to the spot where you friend was sitting. Warming up the room with every step. This moment was inevitable but you had hoped it would have come later. Everything is quiet except for the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor with every stride he makes.

Flames engulf his lower legs, most of his upper body and frames his face in a most unsettling way. He prefers to show of this facade to the world, and is rarely seen without the fire when attending any official hero business. As he turns to face you he remains standing. Not wanting to seem weak you resort to match his stare from your seat. Keeping eye contact beyond the point of discomfort.

Endeavors expression slowly turns from his normal bored look into what for him is the closest thing to caring. The flames dull down a bit but are not completely extinguished. “y/n” he states forcing more feeling than usual into the single word. “It please me to see you well, and back in Japan.” He looks at you breaking contact with your eyes. “The years have been good to you” he says appreciatively.

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