Chapter 33 | Truth will out

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The party is slowing down and the first people have started to leave. You’re sitting at the table talking to Kirishima, Jiro and Mina. “I promise no hard feeling about the nose bleed at all” Mina assures you as you’re talking over the fights of the day.

“I wonder if I had endured my last fight more Bakugo would have been more dehydrated making it easier for you to win y/n” Kirishima says sounding like it’s been on his mind all day.

“Pff” you breathe out. “No way it would have made much of a difference. You saw the Howitzer Impact he made in the fight against Todoroki. He had lots of fuel left.” As you say it you realise the meaning. Going by numbers you would probably have lost the fight no matter what.

It somehow makes you feel better knowing you’re not mad about losing just the way you did. You feel exhaustion creeping up and bid your friends a fun evening as you stand. Leaving through the front door you go to stand at the curb. You know Shoto saw you leave and he will be out any minute. He would see it as his cue that it is okay to leave.

You had not brought a jacket and rubbing your arm in the chill of the evening you look up at the stars. Footsteps are approaching and you turn with a smile thinking it will be your best friend. Bakugo is there, a few metres from you.

“y/n can we talk?” he asks in a small voice. Your smile fades and you frown. “Let me at least walk you home. We can just walk in silence.” The offer is really tempting. The walk home is long from here. You so want to be near him but the betrayal is still burning. “Ple..” he doesn't finish the word you know in your heart you would not be able to resist.

Shoto is approaching and has sent the boy off. You breathe a bit more steadily. “You okay?” He looks at you shivering. “You’re cold” he shifts to put his fire side against you letting the heat travel to you. It’s not really the heat you wanted.

The ride home is quiet. Shoto leaves you at the gate and the driver speeds off once more. You drag your feet to your building and with a heavy heart climb the steps. You slide off the dress and slip into an oversize t-shirt leaving the make-up on and you loosen your hair and sit on the bed.

Turning on your laptop and put on a movie you trail off into sleep.

You awaken at the feel and sound of stones hitting your window. The pebbles keep coming at a steady pace. Clink, clink, clinik.

Tapping the screen on your phone you see the time. You slept about 2 hours. Rolling out of bed you walk to the window peeking out. You see Katsuki at ground level only pausing as he sees your frame.

Did he really walk all the way here

You turn and walk back to the bed. The bombardment of rocks starts again. You reach out with your quirk and halt them an inch before the glass. He keeps it up for several minutes. You let the stones drop and he pauses, waiting.

Now in a very annoyed mood you fling open the window. This is the second he had been waiting for. Just as you let go of the frame he has boosted up and is crawling through the window frame.

Right up in your face his scent is filling your nostrils. “Is personal space a foreign concept for you?!” you bark at him as you back up. “Please leave”

He takes a step forward, arms spread and hands open. “I just want to talk y/n. Let me expl..”

“No!” you yell. “There is nothing to explain. You used me Bakugo!” He looks at you frowning. Yu’re looking anywhere but at him so you don’t see his emotions as they play out on his features. “All your ‘oh please help me get better’ it was all a way to get close enough to learn my weaknesses.” Your words feel like a slap to him. “The training, lunches, dinners, talks, laughs. Gosh I must have seemed so gullible to you!” You’re grabbing your temples in frustration, you tremble. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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