Part 1, Chapter 8: Figuring it all Out

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Amelia laid down in bed, tired so suddenly after being so awake a minute ago. She closed her eyes, the image of Golden Freddy flickering into her mind a few times before she fell asleep.

She looked down at her white lab coat, feeling some sort of hatered raging through her veins. She held a srynge in her hand, the tube filled with a bright purple liquid. Deep down, she knew the name. She knew what it would do. "Hey," someone beside her growled, "Hurry up with that injection!" She looked at the person, seeing a man in a police uniform on each side of her. Looking around more, she saw that she was in a metal room, the two officers holding down a struggling man on the surgery table. She stared at him, feeling it wrong to inject the man with the liquid. But he had done something so terribly wrong, she knew it. The man's head was covered by a plastic bag, making his features unvisible to her. "Why do I have to do it?," she whispered.

One of the officers yelled at her, "Melody, come on, this guy is the murderer of those five children! He has to accept his punishment!" "NO, DON'T!," the man held down shouted, "PLEASE DON'T, I'M INNOCENT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Amelia grolwed, suddenly angry at the man. "You kill those children, hide the bodies, then deny all of it?!?," she yelled, shoving the needle violently into the man's neck. "You are a lame excuse for a human being!" The man began to spasm, but he wouldn't stop begging for his life. "Please, no....,"  he whispered, slowly going limp. "I'm......innocent....." The officers let go of the man, one of them taking his pulse.

He nodded, saying, "He's gone." The other one nodded as well, slowly pulling off the bag to reveal the man's face. Amelia screamed, immediately recognizing the face of Vincent, his hair brown and his opened dead eyes a lighter brown. Tears were running down his face, letting Amelia know he'd been crying as he died. He had been begging for them not to kill him, begging them to believe he was innocent. But they didn't believe him. "Oh my god," Amelia whispered, covering her mouth with both hands. "Vincent, it was you? This entire time?"

Amelia screamed again, jerking up in her bed as her alarm clock went off. She shut it off, panting. The feeling of dread filled her as she remembered she had to go to work, but she knew she had to. One of these days she had to face Vincent again. Or better yet, Vincent's corpse. The memory of the purple injection filled her mind, and how his hair and eyes had been brown in the dream. Now they were purple, and she hated to admit it, but the same color as the injection.

Swinging herself out of bed, she got dressed, not bothering with a shower this morning as she put her shoes on and walked to work. As she walked, she remembered everything about all of her dreams, wondering why she didn't see it before. Wondering why in the world she didn't see it until now. All of the facts added up, when she thought about it. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of the Pizzeria door. She stared at it, looking inside to see kids already running about inside. Other people were here, right? He couldn't hurt her. But then again, he's killed four children while the Pizzeria was crowded before. What would stop him from killing again in broad daylight?

"Nothing," Amelia said to herself, opening the door with a shaky hand. She wasn't ready to face Vincent, but she had to. As the door opened, Foxy walked up to her, holding his detatched hook in his metal paw. Amelia sighed, wondering how the heck Foxy knew she was the repair woman. She motioned for him to follow her, and he did. All the way back to the office where she knew Vincent was. She felt somewhat safer with Foxy at her side to face Vincent. As if the animatronic would attack Vincent if he tried anything funny.

"Hey Vincent?," Amelia called, peeking her head into the room. Vincent, who was standing in front of the security monitors sipping a cup of coffee, turned to look at her. "Yeah?," he answered, looking her up and down. Was he checking her out? No, impossible. Right? Fidgeting a nit, Amelia continued, "You never told me where the tools to repair the animatronics were." He nodded and smiled a bit, walking to the back of the office and picking up a small toolbox. "Everything you need should be in here," he said, handing it to her. She took it from him, her hand barely brushing against his. As it did, she flinched away, backing up with the tools in her arms. Oh crap, Amelia thought to herself, Now he'll know that I know something!

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