Part 2, Chapter 6:

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I stared in shock, running away from Scott and rushing down the hall to Vincent's office. Throwing the office door open, I stared into the room to see Vincent sitting on the desk pulling at his hair, and Jeremy huddles deep into the swivel chair across from him. "Vincent, honey," I whispered, getting him to look at me, "Scott's at the door."

He stood up suddenly and walked out of the office, looking both shocked and pissed off. I followed behind him, watching him until Jeremy ran out of the office. He grabbed my arm roughly, saying in the most panicked voice I've ever heard anyone use, "Grab Abby and get out, now! You have no idea what Vincent has planned for you two!" I shrieked softly, yanking my arm away from him and running after Vincent. Abby looked at my from the stage, looking concerned to see me panicked.

I gave her a semi-reassuring smile and watched Vincent walk straight up to Scott with his violet hat atop his head and his hands held firmly behind his back. Scott gave an evil smirk, growling, "Shit's about to go down."

Vincent chuckled, looking down at the floor as he slowly shook his head. Raising one hand to his hat, he pulled it down ontp his head securely and growled back, "Watch your language. This is a kid's restaurant, Scott." His hand lowered again, and a huge grin crossed his face. "Amy," he said to me, "Get the kids out, now."

I turned to all the kids, yelling at the top of my lungs, "Everyone get out now!" All the kids got up and ran to the door, but Emily and Abby stayed on the stage with confused looks. Bonnie looked up from his place. The second he saw Scott, he pursed his ears back and crouched down in front of the two girls.

Mike, realizing something bad was going down, stood up from his seat and tried walking over to Emily. But Scott quickly snapped his fingers, and golden Foxy ran to block his path. Foxy peeked out from Pirate's Cove, seeing the golden version of himself snarling at Mike.

Vincent looked at me over his shoulder, the grin on his face turning sick and twisted as his skin turned purple. "Well Scott," he sneered, "Go ahead and get your revenge." Scott didn't need another invitation, he lunged at Vincent in a flash with his knife outstretched... and went straight through Vincent as if he was air.

Scott stumbled towards me, and I screamed, but he steadied himself and growled at Vincent. "You dirty, rotten, no-good son of a b-"

"Language," Vincent chided, tutting and shaking his finger side to side. He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes, snarling at Scott, "You get away from her, now!" I smiled at myself, only for Scott to laugh and say, "Who, this young lady?" He wrapped his arm around my neck and squeezed. I began clawing at his arm in shock, choking for breath.

"Now I don't have any quarrel with Amy here," Scott muttered, "But I won't have any problem hurting her if it hurts you, whether it be physically or mentally." Vincent took a step forward looking panicked, only for Scott to shout, "TAKE ANOTHER STEP AND I'M SLICING HER THROAT!" Vincent paused balling his outstretched hand in a fist before lowering it down to his side.

A metal blade rested against my throat, and I saw Vincent jump in horror. "Please, don't hurt her!" he yelled, horror filling his eyes. His horror only seemed to fuel Scott as the blade pressed deeper into my skin, still not breaking the surface. "DON'T KILL MY MOMMY," I heard someone shout. Through the haze of being unable to breath, I saw Abby struggling to get past Bonnie as tears streamed down her face. Bonnie was keeping her back, but his looks grew more panicked as time went by. Scott's blade went away from my neck as he turned in Abby's direction.

"Amy's your mommy, little girl? Who's your daddy?" Scott asked, tightening his grip on my neck. Abby fell silent, looking down. Scott simply chuckled and pointed the knife to Vincent, saying, "Is that man your father?" When Abby just backed away and sat down, Scott began to laugh louder as he threw me to the ground with a thud. I yelped and caught myself before i hit the ground. Scott ran at Abby, only for Vincent to pick Scott up and throw him to the other side of the restaurant.

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER," he screeched, his voice sounding powered by electric circuits. Scott staggered to his feet, laughing even more than before. "Do you care, Vince? About that measly human? For a killer like you, I didn't think that was possible. But you're transparent, remember? You can't stop me!" He got up and ran again, straight through Vincent and towards my little girl. Granted that I was faster than him, I got up and ran directly in my little girl's path.

Right before Scott's knife was going to stab my little Abby.

A few seconds of my memory and my senses faded away, and all I saw was black before I came to again. I saw my little girl standing above me, spots of my blood on her face and the bright blue sky above. A distant siren faded in and out, and a spasm of my body washed over me. I was laying down on something soft, and it was moving. It must have hit something to make that spasm. Another spasmic shake overtook me, and my head was jolted to the side to see Scott being put in the back of a police car.

I tried lifting any of my limbs, to move anything at all. But I was still. I couldn't comfort my little girl, tell her I could still see it. My little Abby moved away from me, climbing up into something as the item I was laying on lowered. My head end lifted, and I saw Vincent standing in the doors of the Pizzeria. But he didn't look sad. He was smiling, as if victorious.

I was lifted into the back of the ambulance, and it was there that my little girl burst into tears. She let herself fall overtop of me, shaking and shivering from her heart-wrenching tears. "M-Mommy, please don't die," Abby cried, clinging onto my unmoving body. "Please be alive mommy, I need you!" One of the doctors in the ambulance told Abby she needed to move out of the way, but she refused.

I wanted to cry, but I really couldn't. I had no control over my body anymore. Scott killed me. The ambulance started up, and my head jerked around with each bump from the tires. It took me a few violent shakes to realize that Abby wasn't the only one in the vehicle. Mike was there with his daughter, Emily, on the other side. They looked just as shaken up, confused, and horrified as I felt. I felt someone poke something onto my arm, and the sad sound of a heart machine going flatline filled the ambulance. Was I.....dead?

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