Part 2, Chapter 5:

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"Vince, you asshole. Making me pay for your crimes. You're just a dirty rotten liar, and I'm getting closer. I'm getting closer to you. Better watch your back."


I hung up my phone, walking away from the Cove. "I'm sorry Mikey," I heard Foxy say as I walked away, "You're still a brave little pirate to me." I stopped in my tracks, staring at Foxy. He stood up and closed the curtains, and I was left staring at the purple fabric. What he said threw me back into childhood, when he called me his brave little pirate for the first time. A hand rested on my shoulder, making me jump slightly as I spun around to see Amy staring at me, Abby in her arms. "Sorry for scaring you Mike," she laughed, smiling brightly, "But you're here for the job correct? The boss is in his office talking to an old employee right now."

"Okay," I said, smiling a bit.

Gesturing to the rows of tables, Amy said, "Take a seat, it could be a while." I nodded, feeling the hat slip from my head a bit. I ignored it, the feel of eyes watching me to turn around and see Foxy staring at me intently. I growled at him, and he stuck his head back into the curtain quickly. "I'm sorry," Amy mumbled, "but is there something wrong with Foxy?" I shook my head, muttering, "No, everything is fine as long as I don't have to go near him."

"You'll be spending all your time in the office when you're on shift."

"Good," I growled, narrowing my eyes a bit. Amy propped her head up in her hand, gazing at me through slitted eyes. "Why are you here?" she asked, looking quizzical. "It's obvious you don't necessarily enjoy the animatronics ,so why work here?"

"It's the only place around here where wearing a hat is allowed on duty," I mumbled, shifting my eyes down to the floor. When Amy looked confused, I slowly pulled off my hat to reveal my scars. Abby flinched and turned away, covering her eyes as any sensible kid would do.

Amy sat Abby down in her seat, walking over to the front door after a bell rang above it. I watched as she picked up a clip board, scribbling words on it as she said, "How may I help you?" The female at the door responded, "I'm just here to pick someone up is all, I don't need a table."

"DADDY," I heard a little girl yelled, turning my attention to a little girl abour three years old with brown hair and astrange magenta eyes. Slightly shocked, I stares at the little girl for a few seconds before realizing it was Emily. "Oh," I said slowly, "Oh hi there Emily, how are you sweetie?" She giggled, waddling over to me on her short little legs. I leaned forward to catch her, laughing quietly as she fell forward into my arms.

Hearing curtains rustle, I turned around to see Foxy gaping at me with the most surprised expression I've ever seen any of the animatronics with. I smiled a bit and nodded turning away and hugging Emily as tight as I could without hurting her.

Letting go of Emily, I watched as Abby stared at her in amazement. I smiled as Emily ran to the stage laughing excitedly, turning and saying to Abby, "Could you be a good little guard and make sure she doesn't get hurt?" She smiled brightly, running after Emily with a childish call of "Wait for me!"

Foxy came up brhind me and leaned over me, growling. I nearly jumped out of my skin, looking at him to see he wasn't growling at me. I followed his gaze, seeing him staring at a bald man in front of Amy. The bald man cleared his throat, and Amy looked up from her clipboard and jumped away in terror. "S-Scott," she stammered, eyes wide. He leered over her, laughing darkly. "Table for six, please."

"Who's crazy enough to eat with you?" Amelia spat, seeming to forget the fact that this was a children's pizzeria and it made everything weirder. Scott laughed evilly, making a gesture over his shoulder to be followed in by four golden animatronics. And behind them, a Platinum Freddy. Amy stared at them, covering her mouth and gagging.

"Now," Scott said matter-of-factly, "tell me where Vincent is."


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