Part 2, Chapter 1: The Escape

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(((((Okay, so lets get this straight...... It has been six years time skip, and Amelia and Vincent had a kid together and named her Abby because Amelia's dead friend was named Abby. Okay? Scott was sent to jail, and so on and so forth. We're going back to the night when Scott was sent to jail, first, so then I can get ideas along the way as to what happens next. Okay? Okay. Hope you Squirrels enjoy! And if you're wondering why the hell I call you readers Squirrels, I'll tell you. Squirrels are amazing creatures, who can do amazing things. Along with that, they can find extremely insignificant items that they tend to enjoy and put them in places they remember easily. Like you readers, finding my small insignificant story in such a vast ocean of stories! And, if I'm correct, you enjoy them.......right?)))))

~The Night Scott Was Sent to Prison~

Scott was tied down to the electric chair, but he didn't seem to struggle. He just casually wiggled his arms and legs, seeming to be unconcerned about his upcoming death. "You, Scott, are being put to death for your crimes," said the officer standing next to him. No one came to see him off except for the parents of the children he killed. And they looked glad to see him tied up to that chair, so close to being dead. The officer walked away from the chair, and another walked over to put the wet sponge on top of his head. The water from the sponge dripped down, running into the cuffs holding his arms down. Scott continued to wiggle his arms, getting one loose finally.

When he did, he looked around, catching the eyes of one of the audience. It was Jeremy, the one who had been the night guard when he was arrested yesterday. Scott nodded a bit, and Jeremy nodded back. Jeremy stood up and walked towards the exit, as if he changed his mind about watching Scott get electrocuted. The officers didn't pay attention, with this sort of thing happening all the time. But when Jeremy got near the door, he veered his course, rushing for the switch that lit the room. He flipped that switch, the entire room going pitch black except for the faint beeping light of the alarm signal. The alarm hadn't gone off though. The light was just kind of beeping like it always did.

The people in the audience let out a scream, suprised by the sudden darkness. The shuffling of feet was heard throughout the room, and the officer's took to shouting at everyone to stay in there seats while they figured this out. Scott was one of those shufling feet, having gotten himself out of the electric chair while the lights were off. Peering through the darkness, he spotted Jeremy still by the light switch. He jogged over to Jeremy, grabbing his arm and dragging him along with him as he ran out of the room. To the prison's own stupidity, the exit to the electric chair room stood on the outer rim of the prison, so nothing stood in between Scott and freedom now. Jeremy tugged his arm away from Scott, running next to him at a steady pace.

"My car's this way," Jeremy said to Scott, turning his direction towards a small cluster of cars. Scott nodded, following Jeremy to his car. Jeremy unlocked the car, jumping over the hood to get to the driver's side faster. He flew into the car and started the engine, and Scott did the same. Slamming his foot on the gas, Jeremy sped off, Scott in the car next to him. "You really are crazy, Scott," Jeremy muttered, shaking his head, "My heart is pounding right now." "Well we did just run," Scott laughed, starin at the empty road ahead of them. Looking back at the electric chair room, he saw the lights flip on, and a faint sound of screaming could be heard. "Drive faster," he chuckled, "They found out I'm not in the chair." Jeremy nodded, shifting gears and making the car go faster.

~Small time skip of ten minutes~

A few minutes later, the car slowly pulled up to an abandoned house. Scott smiled, climbing out of the car. "I'm back home," he chuckled, looking at Jeremy, who was still in the car. "Come on!," Scott called to Jeremy, "The Golden Bonnie's right inside." Turning away from the car, Scott rushed up to the front door of the house, chuckling more. He pushed the door open, immediately seeing the old and tattered Golden Bonnie on the floor. "You're a sight for sore eyes," Scott said, smiling at the heap he knew was still filled with the body parts. He heard Jeremy walk up behind him, so he said, "You ready for this, kid?" "What are we going to do, exactly?," Jeremy asked, not really sure as to what he was going to do.

Scott turned to stare at Jeremy, saying slowly, "We're going to make sure that Pizzeria is closed down for good." He walked over to Golden Bonnie and kneeled down, pulling off the head for a bunch of children limbs to fall out. Jeremy gagged abit, shaking his head and turning away. "So how do you plan on getting the place closed down? It's been hanging in there for over twenty-five years, even after the missing children scene!" "Those animatronics are the lifeline of that place," Scott mumbled, grinning like a maniac, "Get rid of the animatronics, get rid of the Pizzeria." "And how are you going to do that?," Jeremy asked, "The animatronics have A.I. systems, remember? They won't leave volunteerily."

"I know," Scott laughed, picking up some of the limbs in his arms and carrying them over to the table. "That's why I'm fighting fire with fire." He had this crazy look in his eyes, one that scared Jeremy a bit. "By....building......more animatronics," Jeremy said slowly, narrowing his eyes, "to....take out the ones they have now......right?" "RIGHT!," Scott yelled, making Jeremy jump away a bit. "What does the limbs have to do with the new animatronics?," Jeremy asked, taking a few steps away to be safe. "I have the old animatronic suits," Scott said, motining towards a pile of disasembled suit parts. "The old Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, and I even have Mangle somewhere in there. And if I'm right, I have the Marionette too. I just don't have endoskeletons for them." "So you're using the limbs of dead children as the endoskeletons," Jeremy said, nodding as if everything made sense.

"Yes," Scott acknowledged, nodding as if listening to music, "But it will take a while to get them up and working properly........"

~~~~~~SIX YEAR TIME SKIP~~~~~~

Amelia smiled at Foxy, watching as he gave little Abby a piggie back ride around the Pizzeria. Other little kids were watching too, giggling and quealing in delight. The other animatronics were on the stage, playing their songs and even letting a few of the kids play too. Life was good, Amelia knew that. Abby had red hair, much like her mother's, and brown eyes identical to that of her father Vincent. She was a sweet little child, and unlike Amelia, Abby loved Bonnie the most. Abby jumped off of Foxy's back, running up onto the stage and watching Bonnie play his guitar. Bonnie smiled down at her, handing the guitar over to her. For a five-year old, Abby played the guitar fairly well. Probably from spending so much time with Bonnie. Amelia felt someone walk up behind her and wrap their arms around her, resting their head against her neck. She immediately knew it was Vincent. Who else would it be?

"So," Amelia asked, turning her head to look at Vincent's purple hair, "Still want to go to Mexico?" For the past six years, that had been a small little joke between the two of them. Vincent laughed, saying into her neck, "No, I like it here. I don't remember why I ever wanted to leave."

~Meanwhile, back at the abandoned house..........

Scott smiled slowly, peering at his creations. They were all a golden color, so they all shimmered in the light. Golden Bonnie, Golden Chica, Golden Foxy, and Golden Marionette. and in front of them all was Freddy, painted a platinum color. Platinum Freddy, I guess. Jeremy peeked over Scott's shoulder at the creatures, watching as all of their eyes lit up and glowed a deep red. "You all ready for your job?," Scott asked his creations, clasping his hands together. They all nodded in sync, making Jeremy shutter. "Scott, I think they're finally ready for their job," Jeremy whispered. "After six full years," Scott laughed, sounding like a maniac, "they're finally ready. Finally, I get my revenge!"

(((((Okay, so what do you Squirrels think of the first chapter to Part 2 of the story? Good, right? Wow, I can't wait to update this more! I can't wait to see where I take this story next!!!!! Wish me luck, Squirrels! I feel writer's block starting to kick in, now........)))))

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