Part 1, Chapter 5: First Day on the Job (Part One)

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(((Amelia's age: 18)))
Amelia stared at her alarm clock, watching as the time slowly moved to eleven at night. She couldn't get to sleep, so she decided to get dressed and take a walk. Of course, since it was night time, she shoved a double-bladed pocket knife into her jeans pocket before walking down the hall. The darkness of the house gave her chills, the feeling only being comforted by the sound of her little sister snoring softly in her sleep. She smiled a bit, shaking off the chilly feeling and putting her headphones over her ears as she walked down the stairs and out the front door.

Now, if she wouldn't have had her headphones on, she might have heard the signs. The snapping twigs, the scuffing of feet other than her own, things like that. But her music blared into her headphones, preventing any outside noise from reaching her ears. She stopped at the edge of the train tracks, taking off her headphones to listen to the sound of a nearby train heading her way. But she didn't hear any train. Instead, the soft sound of feet scraping against the road echoed in her ears, heading her way. Amelia froze solid, terrified at what was behind her. She reached for her pocket knife, ready to strike at the attacker if necessary.

But then a midnight jogger jogged past her, his reflective orange clothing flicking in the street lights. Amelia sighed in relief, looking behind her just to be sure before she continued. She saw Jake trudging slowly down the road, his head turned down. She watched him for a while, watching as he began to stumble and fall down to the pavement. She shrugged it off, realizing that he was probably drunk. "Hey...," Amelia heard, the voice sounding like it was coming from Jake, "I know it's you." Amelia stared at him, holding the urge to laugh. "Amelia, I'm serious, I need to talk to you," he continued, the most serious tone in his voice as he laid down on the ground.

Now curious, she walked up to him, seeing him smile up at her. "Sorry for scaring you earlier," he said, "But the reason I knew you were at that party was because I was there too." Amelia opened her mouth to say something, but Jake interrupted her. "Now you listen here, okay? I know why Foxy did what he did. I've figured it out." He took a breath to continue, but a car on the road skidded to a halt on the road next to them. "Hey Jake," the person in the car said, "get your ass in here before you catch a cold!" Jake sighed, shoving himself to his feet and saying to Amelia as he got in the car, "We'll talk later, okay?"

Before Amelia could respond, the car sped off. "Wow," Amelia muttered, talking to the air, "That was weird." She shrugged and let out a yawn, glad to see that she was finally getting tired. She turned around and began heading back home, putting her headphones back on. But the sound of those scraping feet followed her. And this time, if her headphones had been off, she would have heard the laughing that sounded like gears grinding together.

But she didn't notice any of it, getting home safely and walking back upstairs, collapsing onto her bed and quickly falling asleep. If she had looked out the window, she would have seen a face in her window, watching her closely. And it may have just been the weird lighting from the lamp she had left on, but the face's skin seemed to have a purple tint.

~Next Morning~

It only seemed like a few seconds before Amelia's alarm went off. Rolling to stare at the clock, she saw that it read 9:15. She had fourty-five minutes before her shift started. If she hopped in the shower without eating breakfast, she would have about thirty minutes to walk to the Pizzeria. And she ended up doing that. With a poptart in her hand after she got out of the shower, she rushed out the door, locking it behind her before running to the Pizzeria. She got there fifteen minutes early, realizing that she could have just walked quickly to get here. The boss watched her as she came in, giving her a weird look. "You're here early," he said, a paper towel drying off his hands, "I was actually expecting you to be late on your first day." He chuckled and shook his head, continuing, "Never mind that. I can already tell you're going to be a good employee here."

Amelia straightened up, nodding. "Jake never came in, so I don't have anyone to be Golden Freddy today," he sighed, "You don't mind dressing up as Golden Freddy today, go you? None of the animatronics need any repairs quite yet." "I never really catched your name," Amelia said, curious as to what her boss's name was. "My name's Vincent," he laughed, "You're the first employee to ever ask me my name." "Well I'm glad to hear that," she responded, nodding, "And yes, I guess I'll dress up as Golden Freddy today." Vincent smiled, seeming alot less creepy than he had yesterday now that he was out of the office. In the light of the Pizzeria, Amelia saw that Vincent's skin wasn't actualy purple, but a normal human skin color. That made her feel a little better.

"You know," said a guy, walking into the Pizzeria, "I've always loved Foxy." Spinning to see who it was, Amelia saw a guy with a big plastic red phone covering his head, watching as he removed it to reveal a bald head and shadowy blue eyes. Foxy, who had been sitting down in the torn-down Pirate's Cove, suddenly jumped to life, dashing across the Pizzeria to tackle the man. Vincent laughed, motioning for Amelia to follow him. She did so, being led back into what looked like the parts and service room. There on the floor sat the Golden Freddy costume, thrown into a pile of parts. "There's the suit, whenever you're ready to start," he said, leaving the room in a hurry. She knealed down in front of  the Golden Freddy, saying, "What exactly are you? Back at that birthday party, there was no one in you, not even any mechanical parts. What happened?" Amelia wasn't expecting an answer, so she picked up the head to put it on first, thinking she was just being childish.

Raising the head up to her face, she saw the mouth move ever so  slightly. Letting out a gasp of surprise, she dropped the head, watching it roll away. The head's mouth moved again, letting out a raspy whisper she couldn't make out.Slowly inching for the head, she heard him whisper the word 'suit' in his sentence. Amelia realized the head wanted to be put back on the suit. Picking it up and holding it away from her like it was a crying baby, she placed it back onto the rest of the suit. After she had done so, she watched with terror as the suit built itself into a sitting possition, standing up and staring at her. "He killed us all," Golden Freddy said, the empty eyes staring directly into hers. "Who is 'he'?," Amelia asked, both scared and confused. The Golden Freddy opened his mouth to answer, but as the room door flung opened, he collapsed into a pile of suit parts again. "Hey Amelia," she heard Vincent ask, "What's taking so long?" "N-Nothing," Amelia stammered, staring at the pile of parts that have just been standing up.

(COMPLETE) Secrets Within (Five Nights at Freddy's fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon