Chapter 24

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Instantly Ryker tensed. It looked like every muscle in his body went rigid in a second. He didn't even look up at Duncan, but Jo could tell he was all too aware of exactly where the other man was.

She didn't know if she should reach out and take his hand in an attempt to calm him down or if that would somehow make it worse?

"This is a nice restaurant, right?" Duncan said. He moved one step around Ryker, putting him toward the middle of their table, and Ryker's hands closed into fists. "And Ms. Jo Scott. Have you been here before?"

Jo wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but she instantly gave Duncan a tight, forced smile. "How about you go enjoy it all at your own booth?" She pointed to the door. "Or maybe take in the exterior decor?"

Duncan laughed and grinned at Ryker. "I like her. And you must too, right? You're on a date." The way he smiled made it seem like someone had just given him a huge present, all wrapped up in a bow.

"Leave," Ryker rumbled.

"It's a public space," Duncan said, "Neutral ground." He grabbed a chair and pulled it over before sitting down at the end of their table. "Jo, did Ryker tell you we grew up together?"

"That's a stretch," Ryker snapped. His hand trembled.

"We did, though," Duncan said, shrugging, "Our families knew each other really well."

"Great," Jo said. She kept her eyes on Ryker, hating the way that Duncan's presence put him on edge.

"Just because we know each other doesn't mean we like each other," Ryker said, his jaw ticking.

"So are y'all like the Hatfields and McCoys?" Jo asked Ryker with a lifted eyebrow, trying to keep her tone light and amused--she was trying to use humour to defuse the situation, but she wasn't exactly sure it would work. She was at least rewarded with a small lift of one corner of Ryker's mouth though.

Duncan straight up laughed. "Something like that." He leaned forward, trying to put himself in Jo's line of sight and block her view of Ryker.

"You know, I think you and I would have a lot of fun together. Since apparently you're now dating."

Jo finally flicked her glance his way. "Sorry, I should have been more specific yesterday. I was dating, just not you."

Duncan's smirk only widened at that, though his eyes had a hard glint to them. "Well, if you ever get tired of stone-faced here..."

Ryker growled, and this time it was so deep it almost seemed to reverberate around the space. Jo blinked at him, stunned. Normally a guy being territorial like that would send up a red flag, but with Ryker...well, it almost made her feel protected. Safe.

"I won't," she said quietly, her gaze meeting Ryker's. They were dark, almost impossible to read. But she thought she saw relief there, if only for a brief moment. Who knew where this would lead with Ryker. But she certainly wouldn't stop dating Ryker just to go to Duncan. Even the thought of Duncan's hand on hers, the way Ryker's had been...

She shivered, and not in a good way.

Duncan was looking at Ryker now. "Hmmm." He looked back at her, and she could practically see the gears turning in his head. It was like he was trying to work out a puzzle, only for the life of her, she couldn't imagine what puzzle there was for him to figure out. Besides the one that led to him getting up and leaving them the heck alone.

When Ryker spoke again, it was in a much deeper rumble than Jo had heard before, almost like that growl had affected his vocal chords. "I think you're done here."

Duncan laughed but it was harsh and humorless. "Oh? Y'know, you don't get to tell me what to do here."

"I'm serious."

"I'm aware," Duncan said, smirking. "So am I."

Ryker's shoulders rolled forward, and he stared at her across the table. She could tell he was thinking hard, making decisions. She just didn't know what about.

"Have you told her yet?" Duncan asked with a vicious grin.

One moment they were all sitting at the table, and the next Ryker was standing and Duncan was reeling back in his seat. Blood splurted from Duncan's newly broken nose as he spun and got up with an unnatural grace.

"You haven't!" Duncan sneered and wiped his hand across his lower lip, smearing blood over his face. "Oh shit, really?"

"Out!" A waitress was coming their way, waving a menu at the two of them. "This is a restaurant, not a boxing ring."

Jo jumped up as Ryker took a menacing step toward Duncan, preparing to take another swing. She grabbed his arm and tugged, trying to drag his attention away from Duncan. When he wouldn't look at her, she stepped in front of him and shoved him in the chest.


"I wouldn't, Jo," Duncan said behind her, "He might take an arm off."

Ryker looked down at her, and she could've sworn that his hazel eyes were golden. No. They were. What--

"I said get out!" The waitress yelled from a safe distance away.

"Let's go," Jo said, tugging on his arm, and not gently. She was pissed, but she hardly knew who to be angrier at right now. Duncan definitely deserved some of her anger for ruining their date. But why had Ryker gone and punched him like that? What horrible secret was he hiding that made him react so violently?

And those eyes...she looked up at him again, getting lost in the glowing golden color. Then Ryker blinked, and they were back to the original, moody hazel. There were still flecks of gold and brown, but in a normal, hazel kind of way. Had she imagined it?

"Ryker..." she tugged again, moving backward a little.

"That's right, run away Ryker," Duncan sneered as Ryker finally began to move with her, albeit reluctantly.

Ryker growled again, but this time Jo beat him to the punch. Literally. She flew past Ryker, her fist connecting with Duncan's face with a gratifying, although admittedly painful, crunch.

Jo watched in satisfaction as more blood spurt from Duncan's nose--yep, he'd officially won, her anger now was directed solely at him for messing up her date.

And as her anger found a focus, a familiar warmth started to tingle from her hands up through her arms. Oh God, no, not here, not with all these people...

A strong, muscular arm wrapped around her middle, pulling her back against a hard and warm chest. And instead of inflaming the fire in her, it seemed to steady her, bringing her own energy down to match the warmth behind her. Warmth like the steady fire in a hearth instead of the raging inferno that usually clouded her senses when she was this angry.

"That was hot," came Ryker's dark chuckle, his breath tickling her neck as he leaned down to murmur in her ear. "But you're right, let's go. I can deal with him later."

Without waiting for her response, Ryker took her hand in his, pulling her with him while they left Duncan to deal with his bloody face and an angry manager now in addition to the upset waitress. In a back corner of her mind, Jo found a brief moment to be annoyed at how easy it was for him to move her, when she could barely budge him earlier.

Still, Jo let him lead her out of the restaurant, recognizing that Ryker was barely keeping it together. While his grip on her hand was gentle, every other muscle in his body radiated tension and anger.

She recognized it because that was pretty much how she felt right now too. All her attention was on Ryker's hand, and the feeling of hers in it--as odd as it seemed, she was pretty sure that at the moment, that grounding feeling was the only thing keeping the flames at bay.


A/N: Thanks for reading, commenting on, and liking this story! :D

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