16 ║so many dead bodies

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"stanley!" we all continued to yell as we ran towards the scream. "stan!"

We came to a vault door bolted shut, and with all of our might be all tried to open it. After several tries, and several cuts over our hands, we pried it open. We ran into a room that had a water fountain in the middle of it. Bill frantically waved his flashlight around. "stanley!" We continued.

Eddie ran to the left and we followed him. Although, it was dark. Eddie ran and picked up a flashlight and shined it into the darkness. There he was. On the ground. Something was sucking his face. And not the good kind. He laid there while the thing was eating his face. "What the fuck is that thing?" Richie said.

Finally, it revealed its self. It's face sprung up, but its gums were still attached to Stanley's face. It's claws and hands we're holding him down. I could see him. I could see it. What that thing was. The lady in the painting. It slowly removed its teeth from his face. Stanley sucked in a lot of breaths. There was blood dripping down his face.

The thing laid him back down and backed away. We all screamed as it slithered away into the darkness. It went back into a tunnel, but it came back out. But it's wasn't the lady this time. No. It was it.

We all screamed more. "Shit!" Richie yelled. The clown slowly backed into the tunnel, smiling. "Stanley!" We all yelled as we ran towards him. I had tears in my eyes. I felt nothing but pity. We ran next to him on the ground while he sat up gasping for air. He screamed while backing up against the water fountain.

He was crying. "You left me! You took me into Neibolt! You're not my friends! You made me go into Neibolt" He screamed through tears. "Stanley! Stanley! Hey!" I said. "Stanley, we're so sorry" Eddie said.

"Stanley, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to drag you into all of this. We know you didn't want to come in. And we're so sorry. We love you, okay Stanley? I love you." I said. He looked at me dead in the eyes. He just brought me in for a hug. I hugged him as hard as I could. All the other losers hugged us. Even Eddie, and he hates that.

"Bill! BILL!" Eddie yelled, breaking the silence. We all looked around and got up from Stanley. "Shit! Not again." I said. "Bill!" We all yelled, running through the tunnels. It was dark. So dark. There was only one of us with a flashlight, and that was Eddie.

We all continued to trudge through the water. Eddie led the way with his flashlight. Until he fell. Straight into the grey water. "EDDIE GET OUT OF THERE!" Mike yelled. "Wait-wait-wait WHERES MY FUCKING FLASHLIGHT?" He yelled. Great. Until.

A skull, a human skull popped out of the water. Right in his face. He screamed, and so did we. There were so many.

So many dead bodies.

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