18 ║you're not georgie.

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all she did was stare off into space. There was no soul in her left. Nothing in her eyes. What had happened?

Then Ben did something we never expected. He kissed her. "Ew..." we all said. Although it was really cute. But still nasty. Nothing happened. We all stayed silent for a few seconds. She gasped. Beverly gasped. She was alive, and we were so relieved. She backed up from Ben's grasp. "Bev?" Ben said in disbelief. They stared at each other. "January embers.."

"My heart burns there, too." Ben said. They were soulmates. "Jesus fuck!" Richie said, laughing. He pulled both of them into a hug. We all came in for a hug too. God, I missed us. We were all laughing through tears. Everyone stayed in the hug. Except for one. Eddie. I picked my head up to look at him. He was slowly walking over to something. Someone. "Where's Bill?" Beverly asked.

We all lifted our heads to where Eddie was standing. It was Bill. He was shining his flashlight at someone. We all slowly walked towards him. Georgie. That was who he was shining his light at.

"Georgie?" he asked. Georgie was slowly walking towards him with his paper boat in his hand. "What took you so long?" Georgie asked through tears. "I was looking for you this whole time." Bill said. "I couldn't find my way out of here." Georgie said.

"He said I could have my boat back, Billy."

"Was she fast?" Bill asked.

"I couldn't keep up with it."

"She, Georgie. You call boats She."

"Take me home, Billy."

We all looked at each other. That wasn't Georgie.

"I wanna go home!" Georgie said.

Bill started crying. I hated to see him like this.

"I miss you, I wanna be with mom and dad!"

"I want more than anything for you to be home." Bill said.

I fought back tears. (I literally am fighting back tears while writing this.)

"Mom and dad, and...I miss you so much." Bill said while slowly walking towards Georgie.

"I love you, Billy." Georgie said.

"I-I love you too." Bill said. But through gasps, he held up his gun to Georgie's head. "But you're not Georgie." and he pulled the trigger. Georgie fled back onto the ground. He stayed like that for a good 10 seconds. "What the hell?..." I whispered.

Then out of no where, "Georgie" started seizing. He was screaming. His shoes were turned into clown shoes, and his outfit was turned into a clown outfit. He finally sat straight up. He stood up. The clown. Pennywise. "Kill it now, kill it!" Eddie screamed. We all started screaming for Bill to kill it, but he wouldn't (what the fuck Bill.). It's face finally came into full form. And It smiled. "It's not loaded." Mike said. Bill lifted up the gun and put it to it's head. "Hey, it's not loaded!" Mike said. "It's not loaded!" I screamed. Too late. He pulled the trigger. A bullet went into It's head.

He seized.

But he wasn't dead.

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