4 ║what happened to you?

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"oh my god!! what just happened??" I screamed. "I have no idea." Stan said while out of breath.

suddenly i saw Richie riding on his bike towards. not far behind, I saw the other losers. "what the fuck are you guys doing here??" he asked. "we-"

"never mind!! lets go." Bill said while riding off. "go where?" I asked. "to the barrens, dummy." Richie said while riding off and following Bill.

*quick time skip*

''i don't know, i guess.'' Eddie said while throwing his bike on the ground. Stan looked around, worried. ''thats poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy...'' he said.

''where? w-where's the poison ivy?'' Eddie asked. ''nowhere! Stan, you're just paranoid'' i said. ''yeah, not every fucking plant is poison ivy stanley!'' Richie said. we all walked over to the entrance to the barrens.

''okay, well im starting to get itchy now...and i dont think this is good for my-''

''do you use the same bathroom as your mother?''

Richie asked, cutting Eddie short. ''sometimes, yeah?'' he said. ''then you probably have crabs.'' Richie said. god i hate him. i started walking into the barrens when i felt someone grab my arm.

i turned around to see Stan. ''oh come on Stan!'' i said, pulling on his arm. ''y/n i dont think this is safe...'' he said. ''oh my god Stan calm down itll be fun!'' i said. ''okay...but im not going in there.'' he said. fine by me.

i walked back into the entrance to the barrens. ''that is so not funny!'' Eddie yelled to Richie. i guess they were fighting about something else.

what a surprise.

Richie turned back to Eddie and Stan. ''arent you guys coming in?'' we both said. Eddie looked at the water and then back to us. ''nuh-uh. thats grey water.''

''what the hell is grey water?'' Richie asked. ''its basically...piss and shit! so im just telling you. you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee. so...'' Eddie went on. Richie picked up a stick from the water and started sniffing it. ''Richie put the stick down!'' i said.

''youre not my mom, y/n'' he said to me. "uh yeah but i'm related to her so". he then turned to Eddie. '''wait are you serious? w-what are you-" "it doesnt smell like caca to me senior...'' he said. ''okay i- i can smell that from here.''

''its probably just your breath wafting back into your face.'' he said back.

Eddie took a deep breath in.


''oh i'll show you a staph infection.''

i looked over at Stan with a bored expression and he just rolled his eyes and smiled at me. i looked over at Bill to see him take something in his hand. i walked over to him and took the

''Guys!'' he said. they all looked at us. Bill shined his flashlight into the shoe. Stan had a scared look. ''shit, dont tell me thats-''

''no. georgie wore galoshes.'' Bill stated. Richie walked over to his other side. ''whos sneaker is it?'' eddie asked. i read the inside of the shoe. 'B. RIPSOM'. ''its Betty Ripsom's'' i said, my voice quivering. ''oh shit, oh god, oh fuck! i dont like this.'' Eddie exclaimed.

''how do you think Betty feels? running around these tunnels with only one frickin shoe!'' he said while hopping on one foot, trying to help brighten the mood, i think? we all just stood there staring at him. ''what if shes still here?'' Stan asked.

i shrugged and turned around. Bill shined his light to the wall of the tunnel and walking further with Richie following. i just stood there.

''Eddie, come on!'' Richie yelled back. ''my mom will have an aneurysm, okay, if she finds out we're playing down here. im serious''. Eddie started rambling on again. ''Bill?'' Eddie asked him. ''i-if i was betty, i-i-id want to find m-m-me, g-g-g-g-georgie too.'' he said.

Eddie looked down to the ground. ''what if i dont want to find him? i mean, im sorry Bill, but i dont wanna end up like Geo-'' Eddie stopped himself when he was the look on Bills face. ''i-i mean. i dont wanna go missing either.'' Eddie said, correcting himself.

''hes got a point.'' Stan said. i decided it was best to leave so i started walking to Stan. i got out onto the clean grass beside him. ''y-y-y-you guys too?'' Bill asked. ''its summer! we're supposed to be having fun! this isnt fun.. this is scary and disguisting...'' Stan said. i put my hand on his shoulder and his face softened at the touch.


we all jumped back. i fell into Stans arms and we smiled at each other. we both looked back at where the splash came from. it was Ben, the bullied fat boy. ive talked to him a few times and he was really nice.

''holy shit what happened to you?''

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