13 ║he's leaking hamburger helper!

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bill was trying to pull the poster away from richie while richie fought back. me and Eddie just stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. ''no it says it! what the fuck?'' richie yelled over bill. bill crumpled the piece of paper into a ball and threw it beside him. i picked up the paper and me and eddie looked at it. ''holy shit...'' i said quietly. suddenly i heard a voice. a voice coming from inside the house. upstairs. ''hello?'' the person said. it was a girl.

we all stopped in our tracks and looked around. we started slowly walking towards the stairs. there was noises of chairs being moved around upstairs. ''hello?'' she said again, her voice in a quiver. ''help me, please!'' she said a little louder. i recognized her voice from somewhere. i hid behind richie as we slowly walked.

we took slow steps up the stairs, and i even got my face tangled in cobwebs once. i heard the girl start gasping, as if she was being hurt. once we finally made it up the set of stairs we slowly walked to a door, from where the sound was coming from. we came to a long corridor to reveal a door at the end of the hall. there was a girl on the ground, being choked. betty ripsom.



the girl got dragged away super quick as we all jumped back. Richie and bill started walking towards the door. ''Richie...bill i wouldn't advise doing that.'' i said. i followed them, since i wanted to be safe. i hadn't even noticed that i left Richie behind. we walked into the room and saw it empty, other than the broken glass, wood, and cobwebs. ''where did she go? she was right here!'' Richie said, looking around. we looked into another room that was connected to the room we were standing in. the door slammed behind us and we all jumped. i heard eddie screaming from outside of the room. ''guys! guys!'' he yelled. i turned around and started pulling on the doorknob but it wouldn't budge.

''eddie!'' we all yelled. he yelled ''what the fuck???" before i heard wood falling. next thing i could here was a sound hitting something on the bottom floor (a/n, that was eddie falling into the table and breaking his arm lmao). as me and Bill tried opening the door i looked behind me to see richie walking into a room. i was too focused on opening the door, so i just kept doing that. once we gave up we both walked over to the room that Richie was in. the door slammed on us. we jumped back and i backed up against the wall. ''we're trapped'' i say. ''n-n-no we're not.'' bill said looking around.

suddenly the door to the clown room burst open, revealing a clown chasing richie. luckily, richie was able to escape and Bill had shut the clown in. i hugged richie as i heard a noise. i looked over to see a mattress moving. we walked over to it slowly and looked as Eddies head popped out. ''wanna play loogie?'' he asked while he laughed. then, black liquid started pouring out of his mouth. i was at a loss for words.

the liquid poured out of his mouth and onto the ground, burning into the floor. we back up and ran out of the second room. only to reveal three doors. 'not scary at all', 'scary', and 'very scary'. we all of course ran for 'not scary at all.' i opened the door to reveal a dark room. ''where's my shoe?'' someone said. richie turned on the light and revealed a half bodied betty ripsom. we all screamed and closed the door. ''where the fuck were her legs?'' Richie screamed. bill went up to him and held his shoulders. ''t-t-this isn't real. remember the missing kids poster...t-t-that wasn't real s-s-s-so this isnt r-r-real.''

''come on, ready?'' bill asked, holding on to me and richie's arms. ''no!'' we both said. he opened the door to reveal eddie being held down by the clown. that damn clown. he snapped his head towards us. ''eddie!'' richie said. ''this isn't real enough for you bill? i'm not real enough for you? it was real enough for georgie.'' the clown said. 'holy fuck.'' i said, gripping on to bills arm. it laughed and sprinted at us, only to be stabbed in the eye by Bev. ''how the fuck did you guys get here?'' i yelled. ''get eddie!'' bill yelled. we ran past the clown to eddie, who was sitting on the ground with his arm in his hand. i kneeled beside him and lifted his arm up. he groaned. ''oh i'm sorry'' i said, still breathing hard and setting his arm down. the clown turned its head towards us and started walking towards us. his ands turned into claws as he did so.

we all screamed and started freaking out

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we all screamed and started freaking out. eddie started screaming at the top of his lungs. i gripped onto eddies side and started screaming. the clown lunged at us while we all jumped and started screaming even louder. it laughed as it turned around, leaving a huge scratch against bens stomach. the clown slowly backed out of the room. once it was gone richie yelled ''im gonna snap your arm back into place!''

''do not fucking touch me!''

''okay, one, two, three!'' richie yelled as he snapped eddies arm. eddie screamed in pain as we all lifted him up.

we ran out of the house with me and bill holding eddie up. eddies mom appeared in front of us. she snatched him away. ''you. you did this! you know how delicate he is.'' she said while dragging him into the car. she shut the car door , with eddie in the car. ''w-w-w-we were attacked m-m-m-''

''no. dont, don't try to blame anyone else.'' she said while fiddling with her keys. she dropped them. '' here- let me-'' bev said while bending down to pick the keys up. ''no!'' mrs.k said while picking up the keys. she got right into bevs face and said '' oh, i've heard of you mrs. marsh. and i don't want a dirty girl like you hanging out with my son.''

"and that goes for you, you dirty nasty slut." she said to my face.

''mrs. k, i...'' bill started to say. ''no! you are all monsters! all of you.'' she said while getting in the car and driving away. we all stared down the road. ''i saw the well... i saw it, a-and we'll be better p-p-prepared next time.'' bill said. ''no! no next time bill. you're insane.'' stanley yelled. ''why? we know no one else is gonna do anything.''

''listen, bev can you just try and be on our side for once?'' i yelled. ''yeah, and eddie was nearly killed. and look at this motherfucker! he's leaking hamburger helper!'' richie yelled while pointing to ben's stomach. ''we cant pretend its gonna go away. ben you said it yourself it comes back every 27 years.''

''fine. i'll be 40 and far away from here. and i thought you said you wanna get out of this town too!'' ben yelled. '' because i wanna run towards something... not away.''

''im sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?'' Richie yelled. bev held up her middle finger. ''i'm just saying, let's face facts.real world. georgie is dead. stop trying to get us killed too.'' richie said. i hate having to be related to him. richie ran into bill. ''georgies not dead. and t-t-t-take it back. you're scared, a-a-and we all are but.. take it back!'' bill yelled while pushing him. richie shoved him back. bill punched richie in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. me, stanley, and mike held him back. ''you're all just a bunch of losers! fuck off!'' richie yelled while kicking. ben held bill back. ''stop! this is what it wants! to divide us! we were all together when we hurt it. thats why we're still alive!'' bev yelled. ''yeah? well i plan to keep it that way!'' richie yelled while getting on his bike. i got on mine along with stan and the three of us rode off.

Stan rode his bike next to mine. ''h-hey y/n?'' he asked. ''yeah?'' i said. ''c-c-could you help me tonight? i have my s-speech tomorrow and i really need help.'' he said, stuttering a little. ''sure!'' i said.

we rode over to the temple and his dad wasn't there.


after a while of practicing, he was ready.

at least that's what i thought.

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