17 ║she wasnt waking up.

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richie screamed for Eddie to get out of the water. But he couldn't hear him. He was too busy staring at the skull and screaming. We all reached for him and dragged him back to the dirty concrete. We continued to all yell. "Come on, let's get the fuck out of here! Come on!" Richie yelled. We ran until we were all out of breath.

We came to an opening, to reveal...

"Beverly!!" I yelled. I started to run towards her. But. She was in the air? Mike pulled me back. "Holy shit." Richie said. "Bev? Bev?" Mike continued to say. "Beverly?" Ben yelled. "Holy shit." Richie said again.

"Bev!" Ben yelled, as we all slowly walked into the opening. We all started up at her. She made no movements. "How is she in the air?" Richie asked. "I don't know, dipshit." I said to him. Eddie turned his head, gasping for air. "Guys."

"Are those..."

"The missing kids."


They were all floating around a huge pile of junk. A HUGE pile. There were so many.

"Just let me grab her!" Ben said as Mike held him up. "Shit" Richie said. Ben struggled to grab her, but he did. Stanley inched over and put his hand around my waist.

"I'm slipping" Ben said. He pulled her down at put one of his hands in her hair. Her eyes. They were.


No soul.


"Bev!" Beverly!!" He yelled. "Why isn't she waking up?!" He screamed. Stanley held me closer. "What is wrong with her?" He yelled. Jesus. I felt so bad. But so scared.

"Beverly! Please, come on!" He yelled. He hugged her, He hugged her so tight.

She wasn't waking up.

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