20 ║i love you too.

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"I can only remember parts, but I thought It was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us. All us back together back in the cistern. But we were older, like our parents ages." Beverly said, as we all sat on logs in a circle. "W-w-w-what were we all doing there?" Bill asked. "I just remember how we felt. I was scared we were- I don't think I can ever forget that." she said.

There was a heartbeat of silence. Suddenly Bill picked up a piece of glass from the ground, and stood up. "Swear it. S-s-s-swear if It isn't dead. If It ever comes back, we'll come back too." he said. We all stayed sitting down, in silence, thinking. Thinking if it was worth it.

Beverly finally stood up, and we all followed by standing up too. Bill finally used the piece of glass to cut a stripe into his hand. He groaned in pain as the glass continued down his hand. Richie then held out both of his hands and Bill stepped over to him. He used the glass to slice into his hand as well. Richie made a face. A pretty ugly face if I may add. He then walked over to Eddie, who quickly ducked his head so he didn't need to see it.

Poor Eddie. His watched beep as the glass cut into his hand. He then stepped over to Mike, who already had his hand out, prepared. He did the motion quick and easy. Mike gasped but made no big noises. Then to Stanley. He did the motion as he did to Mike. Quick and easy. Then to me. I had both of my hands out. Prepared.

He took my hand in his and put the blade to my skin. He gave me a look before cutting deeply into the skin. I held back my tears. I groaned. That hurt a lot more than I expected it to. Then to Ben. Bill took his hand and cut through the skin. Then Beverly. She reached out her hand and he took it. The blade went right through. She made no expression, no face. They exchanged a look before Bill went beside her, back to his original place.

Bill and Beverly took each other in their hands, as did Richie and Eddie (😍). Mike took Stan's hand and Stan and I took each others hands, exchanging looks. I took Ben's hand as well. We all stood there, standing in silence, enjoying each other. Finally, we all let go. Except for Stan and I. I tried to let go but he wouldn't let me. So we stood there. We all stood there. "I gotta go." Stanley said eventually. "I hate you." he finally said to Bill.

It was a while before he started laughing, which got everyone else to. "Well. See you later." he said while un linking his hand from mine. "I gotta go too." I said while looking at everyone. "I love you guys." I said with a smile before running after Stanley. "Stan! Wait up!" I said while running. I finally caught up to him. "Yeah y/n?" he asked. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Was the kiss real or fake? Did he actually like me? So I did it.

I kissed him. I took his face in my hands, and I did it. We stood there, enjoying each others existence. After ten seconds, I pulled away. "Stan, I love you. I've loved you ever since we first met. I've been wanting to do that forever." I said. "y/n...

I love you too."

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