2 ║best feeling ever

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The last day of school.

Aka, heaven.

'' So, there's this church full of Jews, a-and Stan has to take this super Jewy test-''

''But, how's it work?'' Bill asked, interrupting Eddie. Eddie had been talking about Stanley Uris, my closest friend, besides Richie. Richie was my older (by 4 days) brother.

Stan was in a different class then us. It honestly sucks because he was so fun to hang out with.

Eddie hesitated for a moment. ''They slice the tip of his dick off.''

''Okay.. Eddie no, you're wrong.'' I said. Stan had told me all about this bar mitzvah.

  ''But then Stan will have nothing left!'' Richie exclaimed. ''That's true.'' Bill said. ''Hey guys, wait up!'' Stanley said as he ran out of his classroom from being dismissed.

He put his hands on me and Bills shoulders as we kept walking. I turned around to greet a smiling Stanley. ''Hi Stan.'' I said. ''Hi y/n'' he said with a smile.

''Hey Stan, what happens at your bar mitzvah anyways? Ed's says they slice a tip of your d-d-d-d-dick off....'' Bill asked, with confusion laced in his voice. 

"Yeah and I think the Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn towards the crowd and say 'where's the beef?' Richie said and we all laughed.

''At my bar mitzvah i... read from the Torah, I make a speech and suddenly i become a man?'' he said. Richie being Richie, he stated ''I can think of funner ways to become a man.''

Wow, he sucks at grammar.

   ''More fun, you mean?'' Stan said, correcting him. ''Oh shit...'' Richie said. We were walking past Henry Bowers and his Goons, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins, and Patrick Hockstetter.

They gave us death stares. Well actually more of ''I hate your guts and i'm gonna beat your ass after school'' kinds of looks.

Richie adjusted his glasses. '' think they'll sign my yearbook? 'dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steamy, dump in your backpack last march... have a good summer!'

Richie said, imitating what Henry would write in his yearbook. while we turned the corner Stan bumped into Gretta Keene, who was another bully, but she wasn't friends with Henry and his goons.

(i'm skipping the scene of Bev and Gretta because i'm too lazy to write that, my apologies.)

*time skip*

As we emptied out our backpacks into the trash cans in front of the school, I finally felt all of the weight fall off of my shoulders as i know knew school was FINALLY out.

I feel like Stan could read my mind because he said ''Best. feeling. ever''.

''Yeah? try tickling your pickle for the first time'' Richie said, needing to make some kind of joke. ''I don't have a pickle though...'' I said with a fake sad frown on my face. ''Oh then just try fing-''

''No Richie! I'm okay!'' I said, cutting him off. ''Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?'' Eddie asked. I wanted to know as well because I would probably just be at home playing some boring board game with Richie, which sucks because we do that everyday and I was ready for a change for summer.

Oh but how I was wrong.

A good kind of wrong, though.

"I start my training!'' Richie said. ''What training?'' Me and Eddie both said at the same time. We looked at each other and then back at Richie. ''Street fighter!'' Richie said, sounding satisfied. I knew Richie wasn't gonna do anything that actually required physical activity, but hey! At least i won't be stuck at home with his annoying ass.

''Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?'' Eddie asked. Richie shrugged his shoulders.

''Beats spending it inside of your mother... oooohhh!" Richie said while putting his hand up for a high five from Stanley. Stanley just dragged his arm down.

''What if we go to the quarry?'' Stanley asked. Me and Eddie shrugged.

"G-Guys, we have t-the... Barrens." Bill said. Ever since Georgie went missing, he's been certain he's still alive. We all have our own opinions, but I think he might actually be gone for good. Bill's been dragging us around all school year to the Barrens, and several other places because he's so confident that he's still alive.

Eddie looked over at a frightened mother looked frantically around, surrounded by police men. Betty Ripsom's mom.

Betty Ripsom had been another one of the kids to go missing, after Georgie. Her mom had been waiting outside of the school since then. ''Think they'll actually find her?''

Stanley asked looking at me. But before I could speak Richie interrupted me saying ''Sure, in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mom underwear!''

Listen. Me and Richie MAY be related. But I am in NO way like him.

''Shut up... that's freaking disgusting!'' Eddie said, disgusted. ''She's not dead she's just m-m-m-missing!'' Bill said. Richie adjusted his glasses again. ''Sorry Bill, she's missing.''

We then all started walking. ''You know, the barrens aren't that bad! Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?'' Richie asked but got cut off when he got pulled back by his backpack by Henry.

This caused him to crash into Stanley, making them both fall on the ground. Patrick knelt on the ground beside Stanley and taking his Kippa off of his head. ''Nice frisbee, flamer!'' He said, and then threw the Kippa into the passing bus. ''Fucking losers!''

''You asshole...'' I mumbled under my breath. I tried to attack him but I got held back by Victor. Belch did what he was best known for... burped in Eddie's face, which made Eddie give a grimace of disgust.

Henry bumped into Bills shoulder, on purpose. As Victor let me go I went over to help Stanley up. Richie put his hand up, I'm guessing for me to help him up, but I just walked away. ''Loser'' Henry mumbled, but I could still hear it. ''You s-s-s-s-suck Bowers!'' Bill said.

I smiled. Bill doesn't really stand up for himself, so I was happy to see him stick up for us. Eddie didn't seem to think so though. As he quietly told Bill to shut up. I guess he didn't want to fight anyone today.

Henry turned around. ''you s-s-s-say something b-b-b-billy?'' he said, imitating Bill's stutter. He walked up to Bill. ''You got a free ride because of your little brother. rides over Denbrough.'' he said, getting really close to Bill's face.

He looked behind Bill and made eye contact with a police officer. He looked back at him. ''This summer is gonna be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends.'' he said before licking his hand and wiping it on bills cheek. we all walked up beside the two.

''I wish he'd go missing.'' Richie said. ''For once, I agree'' I said with a smile. ''He's probably the one doing it.''

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