19 ║welcome to the losers club, asshole!

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the fake Georgie, Which was now Pennywise, arose and stood with his back arched. It sprung towards Bill and pinned him onto the ground. Bill pushed a metal rod into his mouth while It fought back with a row of teeth showing. "Bill watch out!" we screamed. "Leave him alone!" Beverly screamed while trying to hit It with something. The clown tried to pull the bat out of her hands, and eventually did, and he threw it to the side.

Mike sprung at It with a bat,. "Mike!" Stanley yelled. The clown then pushed Mike to the ground, and Bill jumped on It's back and started choking him with a metal rod. Richie then also jumped on It's back, trying to help, I guess. I picked up Beverly's bat that was thrown and I went to the front of It and started beating him senseless with it. Eventually Bill and Richie were thrown off of It's back. It was only me and him.

He took ahold of the bat and we were left playing tug a war with it. I got a good grip of it and flipped the bat around so it hit him in the face. He tumbled back but never fell over. He ran towards me and quickly picked me up. He also picked up Stanley and Ben and started swinging us around. We all screamed as we finally let go and we flew back to the walls.

Pennywise then picked Bill up and tightly held him in his grasp. "Bill, no!" I screamed. "Let him go." Beverly said. "No, I'll take him. I'll take all of you! And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear! Or! You could just leave us be and I'll take him, only him, and I will have my long rest. And you will all grow to live and thrive and have happy lives! Until old age takes you back to the weeds!" It said. Richie was still sitting on the ground, gasping for air.

"Leave. I'm the one who dragged you all into this, i'm s-s-s-sorry." Bill said, through gaping breaths. "S-s-s-sorry!" It said, imitating Bill. It laughed. "Go!" Bill said, where It just kept laughing. "Guys! We can't ." Beverly said. Richie started getting up.

"I told you Bill, I fucking told you, that I don't wan't to die. It's your fault. You punched me in the face, made me walk through shitty water, brought me to a fucking crackhead house! And now. I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." he said while taking a bat from the ground.

"Welcome to the losers club, asshole!"

he said while holding up the bat at Pennywise. Pennywise dropped Bill and sprung towards Richie. Richie swung the bat right into the clown's face. It groaned in pain. I picked up the bat that was beside and me and I ran up beside Richie. Mike shoved the metal pole into It's face, where a bunch of hands came out of It's mouth to hold the pole back.

We all then started beating it with our bats and poles. It's face turned into the lady from the painting and it turned to Stanley. It ran towards him. I also ran towards Stanley. I attacked him onto the ground while Mike held the clown back. We were both on the ground and I was on top of him. Then he did something I never knew he would. He kissed me.

We stayed like that for a good 5 seconds. I pulled away and said "Stanley, now is REALLY not the time, but thank you." I said with a smile. "Right." he said while getting up. We both ran back to find the clown attacking Mike. Ben ran up behind him and stabbed him in his back with a pole. Blood splattered all over. The clown turned into an almost deceased lady, and it pulled Ben towards It. Bill picked up a chain from the ground and started smacking It.

The clown finally fell to the ground and we used all our power to kill it. But it wouldn't die. Eddie was also in the ground in front of It's face. It turned into leper and sprayed black liquid all over his face. And we all looked away in disgust. Eddie almost threw up. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He screamed as he lunged towards It. It Then changed into Beverly's dad. "Hey Bevy, are you still my little gi-" But was then cut off as Beverly shoved a pole down his throat. They both screamed. He finally turned back into the clown, as he spit out the pole. "Oh shit!" Eddie said.

The clown shuffled back as we walked towards It. It leaned against a well as It shook It's head. It laughed and giggled. "That's why you didn't kill Beverly. Cause s-s-s-s-she wasn't afraid. And we aren't either. Not anymore. Now you're the one who's afraid. Because you're gonna starve." Bill said. The clown flipped itself back into the well. "He thrusts his fists against the post, and still insists he sees the ghosts." The clown quietly said over and over.

Stanley handed Bill a pole. Bill lifted up the pole and the clown fell down further. Then, parts of It's head started coming loose.


Was all It said as it let go. It fell all the way down as we all looked over the well. "I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie said. "Oh my god." I was as I hugged Stanley. Right now, he was all that mattered to me.

"Guys, guys. The kids are floating down." We all looked as all of the missing kids were slowly floating back down to earth. Bill slowly walked over to something yellow on the ground. I slowly walked over to him, and Richie followed me. I knelt down. It was Georgie's raincoat. He started crying and all I could do was hug him. I gave him the tightest hug I could. He deserved it. Everyone else followed over and started hugging us aswell. We stayed in that hug for about 5 Minutes. We had did it.

We defeated evil itself.

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