3 ║you're not studying

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  ''Hey Y/n?'' I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I stopped my bike and looked back. ''Oh! Hey Stan!'' I said. he stopped his bike beside mine.  ''Um, i was wondering if you wanted to come with me to practice my Hebrew?'' (i don't know okay).

He asked, almost unsure of himself. ''Sure Stan, whatever you need!'' I said. And with that we were both riding towards the Synagogue.

After a while of practicing, Stanley started to get frustrated.

''Oh my!-'' Stanley exclaimed. ''Don't worry Stan you can get it!'' I whispered to him. And with that I heard the door open. It was his dad, the Rabbi. I quickly went to hide between the chairs. His dad never liked me, surprisingly.

He loved everyone but seemed to have some problem with me. Perhaps, it was because I wasn't Jewish. As his dad walked him he set something down and told Stanley to continue reciting to him.

He messed up again. his dad corrected him in Hebrew.

''You're not studying Stanley. How's it gonna look? The Rabbi's son can't even finish his own Torah reading.'' His dad said. Stan looked down in disappointment. ''Take the book to my office. obviously you're not using it.'' he said. I crawled down on the floor so i could get in the room.

''I'm sorry Stan'' I whispered. ''You're fine, it was my fault.'' he said. He put his hand over the side of his face. I've been in here with him before, so i know what he's avoiding.

the painting.

i looked around the room. yep nothing has changed. he took his hand off of his face to look at the painting. it was crooked, and i knew his OCD wouldn't let that go.

he went over to the painting and set his book down. he tilted the painting so that it was standing up the right way. he picked the book up and i followed him. he put the book back in the place he got it from.


we both turned around to see... the painting on the ground? i walked over to it and so did Stan. he picked it up and put it back on the wall. i looked at it and backed up. originally there was a lady in the painting. not anymore. she's gone.


i hugged Stans arm. i wasn't prepared. neither of us were. we both slowly turned around. out of the darkness came a the lady in the painting. i just stared in shock. she smiled, which revealed sharp, pointy teeth.

we both ran towards the door. once we got out into the hot summer sun, i felt relieved.

''what the hell!?''


(quick a/n. this was a filler chapter because i'm tired and its 4 am)

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