14 ║and i always fucking will be

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i put on my light pink dress and put my hair up in a ponytail. it was Stanleys speech today and i needed to look formal. i ran down stairs and yelled ''im leaving!'' hoping that my dad would leave me alone. i was wrong. he stepped in front of me, causing me to jump back. ''where are you going all dressed up?'' he asked, looking me up and down. ''j-just to Stans speech.'' i said, trying to get him to remember.

''no you aren't. that was next week.'' he said with an evil smile. i knew he was just trying to trick me. ''no, its today.'' i said, trying to make my way past him. i heard a knock on the door. it was Richie. he said he'd wait for me outside. i tried to move past him but he put his arm out. ''now now. you'll stay here.'' he said. ''no. i wont!'' i said while taking his arm and biting it.

it may not seem like the BEST self defense, but it works.

he let out a groan of pain while i ran to the door. i opened it and closed it as quick as possible. i fell into Richies arms. ''dad?'' he asked quietly. i didnt say anything. i just grabbed his arm and ran.

we were almost there when i started to get worked up. ''why are you sweating?'' Richie asked me. ''nervous.'' i said. ''ohhhh! yeah, i forgot you were in love with-'' he started saying until i put my hand over his mouth. he licked my hand and i let go and wiped my hand on my dress.

we walked into the doors and i looked around. there was so many people. we took our seats and played thumb war until the Rabi came out. he introduced Stan and he started his speech in Hebrew. i couldnt understand it so i just sat there staring.

''reflecting on the meaning of what i just said, a word comes up a lot. it means to change, to transform, which makes sense, i guess, because today im supposed to become a man. i-its funny though. everyone, i think, has some memories theyre prouder of than others, right? a-and maybe thats why change is so scary. because the things we wish we could leave behind, the whispers we wish we could silence, the nightmares we most want to wake up from, the memories we wish we could change, the secrets we feel like we have to keep, are the hardest to walk away from. the good stuff, the pictures in our mind that fade away the fastest, those pieces of you feel like the easiest to lose. maybe i dont want to forget, maybe i-i-if thats what todays all about, forget it, right?'' stan said, mainly all in one breath.


''thank you Stanl-'' his dad tried to say but got cut short by Stan pulling the mic away and walking slowly off. ''u-u-uh- i-i-i- today im supposed to become a man, but i dont feel any different..'' he said while his father walked behind him, trying to get the mic.

''i-i know im a loser. and no matter what... i always fucking will be.'' Stan said as everyone gasped. he dropped the mic and walked off. me and Richie stood up and started clapping when two ladies on each side of us pulled us down. i wiped where the ladies hand was on.

everyone stood up and started leaving. i went to go find Stan. i walked through the doors of where he left and heard cries coming from a room. i went and knocked on it. ''hey.. are you okay?'' i asked. ''o-oh! y/n c-c-come in...'' he said while sniffling. i opened the door to find Stan crying on the ground.

''hey.. are you alright?'' i asked while sitting next to him. ''im supposed to be a man, but... i never wanted to be a man. im afraid if i grow up too fast then i'll lose all of you.'' Stan said, through tears.

i pulled him in for a hug. ''hey... ill always be with you...okay?'' i said. ''t-thanks y/n'' he said with a smile.

underdog. - stanley urisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora