Chapter 2: Home

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The routine was the same as always. Katooni got out of her meditation, picked up her lightsaber, and attatched it to her belt.

She got out of her room and into the hallways of the Holt, the hijacked Venator-class Star Destroyer turned Jedi Temple.

Yeah, that was something she had never thought she'd be thinking. 

It was an odd story: Lux and (pregnant) Ahsoka, having failed to rescue the Jedi survivor Luminara Unduli, got tractor beamed into this ship while trying to escape Mirial and decided that they may as well try to get something out of that mission.

Most of the few droids they had were repurposed into construction droids, and they tirelessly labored at slowly turning the ship into something more fit for a permanent settlement.

Occasionally, Katooni was startled by the clanking of metal, most likely indicating that a metal plate had fallen somewhere. The droids had to work slowly and methodically, ensuring that they didn't collapse the ship's entire superstructure. Of course, such an event was unlikely. If a collapse did happen (and none has so far), it would likely be a single hallway.

Most of the ship had already been repainted, and so the droids were working on redoing it's structure entirely. New rooms and hallways were being planned out, and materials for doing so would likely be acquired by the dismantling of the engines, hyperdrive, and weapon systems. Not to mention the smoldering piles of debris the Empire had left in the hangar bay in a desperate attempt to keep Master Tano stuck on the ship.

They also had plenty of resources for living, as the ship turned out to have a massive stockpile of supplies, likely headed to some colony in the Outer Rim, as they were perfect for helping the Order sustain themselves. It seemed as Master Tano's misadventures would always end up bringing something stupidly convenient to the Jedi Camp. Honestly, it wasn't even a camp anymore.

Katooni walked down the hallway to where she was always headed at this time most days: the training room.

This specific Venator had been outfitted with a Jedi training room, suggesting it had once been used by a Jedi and their Padawan on an extended mission. It made it quite convenient for training new Jedi.

Katooni reached the room, along with a few other younglings who were to train here at this time as well, such as Zatt and Petro.

The door to the room opened, and, as was expected, Jedi Grand Master Ahsoka Tano-Bonteri was waiting for them.

The room was filled with sunlight, as opposed to the metal grey it had been while in use by the Grand Army of the Republic. The ceiling of the room had been torn off, with plans to add a retractable ceiling at the top. Of course, with how slowly the droids worked, it wouldn't be done until this time next year.

Katooni and the other younglings walked in to the room.

"Greetings, younglings," Ahsoka said.

"Good morning, Master Tano!" some of the younglings said.

"What are we doing today, Master Tano?" Zatt asked.

"I'm glad you asked," Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka made a waving motion with her hand, and some of the room's tiles lifted up, including the ones Ahsoka and the younglings were standing on.

One may have thought she had used the Force to do such a thing, but everyone knew by now it was just her signal to her astromech droid, R7-A7, who was up in the control room.

"A Jedi must be agile," Ahsoka said. "They must move swiftly and overcome whatever obstacles their path presents."

There was a small-ish gap between Ahsoka's tile and the younglings' tile, and some of the tiles rose to form a wall in the middle of it.

Katooni knew what they were supposed to do: They were supposed to run on that wall across the gap and reach Ahsoka's position.

"Today, you will be one step closer to overcoming any obstacle that stands in your way. You must run on this wall to reach my position."

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 6): HeroWhere stories live. Discover now