Chapter 19: Escape Plan

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Ahsoka drove the submarine away from the village, after the effects of the stun blast finally wore off.

Both of the children were now in the back of the Submarine.

She hoped that the Quarren mother would cover for her and prevent anyone else from funding out she was here.

But one question remained: How was she going to get off this planet?

It was evident that the Mon Calamari forces had scoured the surface themselves, in an attempt to slow the Imperial war machine. Which meant that her ship, and the platform it was on, was now probably destroyed, and she didn't exactly know if the ship was buoyant or not. Either way, the best course of action at that time was probably to go back and check.

Unfortunately, in order to do that, she would have to head through Mon Cala city, which was likely a warzone.

Thankfully, she could just go back the way she came, since she had knocked over that wreck that originally had her stuck in the trench. So long as nothing else had fallen in there, she would be good, and even then, she could just find her way around or through it, so long as one didn't fall directly on top of her and get her trapped again.

And, even though she had both kids, she couldn't help but feel as if her time here was not done. Who was that cloaked figure she had seen in her vision? She guessed it was probably the Jedi that the Empire was looking for here, but it wasn't anyone she knew, or at least it wasn't anyone she knew very well. Master Kenobi was watching over Luke on Tatooine (she still very much just wanted to go over there, scoop him up, and take him to the New Jedi Order), so he wouldn't have any reason at all to come to Mon Cala. And the list of Jedi that were either not confirmed dead or already at the New Jedi Order was not filled with many people Ahsoka even knew.

Either way, this entanglement she had gotten into was pretty frustrating. An Imperial invasion happening before her very eyes, plus Darth Vader, plus some Inquisitors, plus some unknown Jedi that she may or may not have to meet.

"This is a mess," Ahsoka mumbled to herself. "This is a kriffing mess."

She drove the submarine back to the trench she went through to get to the village, and noticed it was filled with wrecks.

"Now this is literally a mess," Ahsoka continued to mumble.

She carefully and slowly drove around and through the debris, careful not to get stuck or anything like she had last time.

It really was a mess. The amount of wreckage had noticeably increased from last time, and the rate of wrecks sinking down from the surface weren't anywhere near slowing down.

And this wasn't the least of her worries. The falling wreckage might have perturbed some deep-sea leviathan, or the Imperials could find her (again). Either scenario would be far from preferable, and the preferable scenario would just be to get offworld as soon as possible.

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