Chapter 23: A Walk in the Garden

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He was waiting.

Waiting for Ahsoka to come back.

Lux knew she would be alright, but there were still splinters of doubt in his mind that she wouldn't return.

She hadn't gotten a transmission from her in almost a week.

The only information he had on the situation on Mon Cala was some Imperial holoreel "news," if you could even call it that. "Outright propaganda" would be a better way to put it. Either way, it was the one of the only things with a signal high enough to reach this part of space.

Regardless of what distorted truth reached the Unknown Regions, he knew that the invasion was still ongoing.

He smiled to himself, knowing that the Mon Calamari natives had put up this much of a fight.

He knew how precarious Ahsoka's situation was, so he wasn't exactly expecting any communications.

Still, though, it wasn't often that he been apart from his wife for this long, so naturally, he was starting to get worried.

He decided it was best for him to clear his head and go for a walk.

He got out of his seat and walked out of his room.

He looked at the ring on his finger, a reminder that he had married perhaps the best woman in the galaxy.

He walked down the hall and to the turbolift.

The Holt had changed so much since they had first landed it on the planet. It was still quite obvious that it was the husk of an old Republic Venator-class cruiser, but practically everything had been painted, and a lot more windows had been added to let more light into the building, similarly to the old Jedi Temple.

Lux went down to the floor of the old Hangar Bay, which was now a garden of sorts. Large portions of the metal floor had been replaced with grass, and various plants and trees had been planted. Heck, there was even some artificial flowing streams water. The old hangar doors on top of the ship had been ripped off entirely, their metal being repurposed for various other means.

Such a massive overhaul of a republic cruiser was not an easy undertaking. A few months backe, Morra Sevarro and Eekar Oki had thankfully somehow managed to get their hands on a Corellian freighter that had been seized by the Empire, and also just so happened to be filled with construction droids and other supplies, which was oddly convenient. Still, progress was slow, and this garden had only been finished mere days before Ahsoka's departure.

Lux decided that this would be a good spot to sit down and meditate, since he couldn't be bothered going on a long walk into the woods.

There were some small, circular platforms placed in the garden with meditation in mind, so Lux decided to meditate on one of them. It would probably help clear his head of all the thoughts and worries about Ahsoka.

He took a seat down on one of the platforms, and closed his eyes.

He stayed there for a few minutes.

Then, he reached out for Ahsoka's life force.

And when he did, he felt almost sort of a warm, fuzzy presence rush over him.

He smiled, and opened his eyes.

His wife was still out there, and she was alive.

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