The hunt/Chupacabra pt.2/3

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"Huh. I thought I shot it."

Leo swung around to face a cotton candy pink haired girl with cyan eyes. She wore a red pilot outfit and had small red horns sticking out of her head. She took out a P90, resulting in Leo panicking.

"You don't have to do this, please don't kill us"

To those words, Sandra rotated 180° and shot imprecisely at the threat, missing the target by a few meters.

"Whoa chill guys, I just wanted to kill that thing, I have no interest in you people."

"We were the ones to have set the trap so the kill is ours." Sandra spat at her.

"Why can't we just get an assist? The Queen would understand."

"How dare you Leo, we worked hard to set up that trap! You can't just let some random girl get some kills off OUR work!!"

"Your work you say? You are not the one that has been tracking down the chupacabra for weeks. All you do is to look at the news, go to the location that I was forced to publish and set your dumb little trap."

"Well, at least our trap works. In fact, it works so well you can just shoot it through the bars and get three easy kills from our beloved Queen."

"Pff.. you noobs probably don't even have 20 kills yet, I need those kills to get my Hero rank."

The girls arguing made Leo's head ache. He wondered if that was what girls normally do. He had to make it stop, but couldn't barge in the conversation as it will lead to more chaos. The boy tried to wisely chose the words to ask the girls to calm down, but he could barely think in this chaotic atmosphere.

"...right Leo?"

"What" He said, barely even conscious at this point.

"We're two against one, so we win."

"Wait, what for?"

"Oh you brainless blob, we should get the assist because we are two to think that way. This girl just wants to steal-"

"No." The pink haired girl cut her off. "I was the one who worked for all of this while you unworthy brats come along and claim to have done all the hard work." 

"We've done all the trap setting and I even robbed a cow from a farmer for that. We came her to check on the trap every morning, therefore only me and Leo should get the kill."

"I have done all the tracking for weeks, day and night. I could barely sleep half an hour per day."

And that was visibly obvious. Her cyan eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. This girl sure was determined to exterminate that dog.

"Ok can you just calm down? Instead of arguing like headless chickens, you should just split the kill and get 3 kills each." Leo said in a confident tone.


"Or would you like to kill that chupacabra with the trash you're spiting out of your mouths?"

Leo pointed the crypted that's about to pass out due to the constant shouting.

The sleep deprived girl was about to protest, but finally mumbled a short "fine".

[A.N.]: Ah yes, 500 words of 2 girls arguing over who kills scary dog.



Inventory: Kunai(main melee), Windicator(gun), Classic Sword(melee), G-17(Citizen gun)

Ability: none

Kills: 14

Rank: Serial


Inventory: Combat Knife(main melee), Barret(gun), Energy Blade(melee), Makarov(Citizen gun)

Ability: healing

Kills: 14

Rank: Serial


Inventory: karabmit(birth melee)

Ability: X-ray vision.

Kills: 18

Rank: Serial

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