The hunt/bigfoot (pt.2/2)+threat?

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Leo, Sandra and Amy are presently sleeping peacefully in a cottage located in the woods (map Safehouse). Just two days ago, they detected the Bigfoot's presence in the forest. They plan to start hunting the crypted in the morning.

"We should split up, that would increase our chances to find Bigfoot. After all, we are armed and hunting a weak, almost humane creature." Sandra suggested.

"I'll go to the back of the house, you two search the front." Leo replied.

Both Sandra and Amy seemed unhappy about that but in order to save time, none protested.

Leo jogged into the back forest and started scanning his surroundings. Although it may be dangerous to do it in such a situation, he thought making the girls work as a team would strengthen their relationship.

Sandra walked behind Amy. She felt both alightly angry and awkward. Her best friend has sent her with a person she fails to trust in a foreign place. Actually, she never really trusted anyone. Once she turnt 5, her father kicked her out and since then, life has been scarier than ever. Any stranger—in the streets or on the beach—could just take out a gun and shoot her down. After all, her barely reassuring healing abilities can't revive her. But all that changed when she met Leo. In his eyes, she could only see innocence and ignorance.

"There it is," Amy announced quietly, pulling the other girl out of her thoughts. They pulled out their guns and aimed. Before Amy could pull the trigger, Sandra already started shooting, which annoyed her. The creature let out a desperate scream, alerting Leo at the other side of the forest, who ran in the direction where the cry came from to help the girls carry the 2 meter tall creature.

The three teenagers ate lunch before leaving the cottage with the Bigfoot itself on their backs. They headed directly to the castle before returning to the base.

"I see you guys are back!" Patrick greeted. "Jerry is working at this moment. You can go see him in his office."

Sandra thanked him and went to the destination along with Leo and Amy. The sorcerer knocks on the door and opens it as she hears Jerry's monotonous voice on the other side.

"I see you three are back." the leader said, finally looking up. "Where is it?" he added, slightly concerned.

"We've already submitted the Bigfoot to her Majesty, sir." Amy spoke up.

"Call me Jerry."


He looked back down to his work.

"How many days will you need in order to be fully rested?"

"Sorry what?" Sandra spoke for the minds of three.

"When can you take new targets? You need to rest your body after such tiring missions."

"Actually, the Bigfoot is a fairly easy crypted to kill." Leo informed his superior.

"Oh is that it? Then I guess I can assign you targets already." The man said, looking at the pink haired girl.


"Yes. His name is John, he infiltrated the base and got away before we could kill him, making him a potential threat to the team. All that happened while you were gone. Also, he's a sorcerer."

"What's his ability?"

"We don't know yet, but it is certain he isn't a regular."



Inventory: Kunai(main melee), Windicator(gun), Classic Sword(melee), G-17(Citizen gun)

Ability: none

Kills: 30

Rank: Serial


Inventory: Combat Knife(main melee), Barret(gun), Energy Blade(melee), Makarov(Citizen gun)

Ability: healing

Kills: 30

Rank: Serial


Inventory: karabmit(birth melee), pitchfork(Hero melee)

Ability: X-ray vision.

Kills: 42

Rank: Hero


Inventory: P90(Citizen gun), tomahawk(main melee), machete(melee), hand cannon(gun), shovel(Hero melee), AKM(gun), paintball gun(Elite gun)

Ability: None

Kills: 64

Rank: Elite

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