The hunt/Chupacabra pt.3/3

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After Leo, Sandra and their newly made friend have killed the Chupacabra, they were heading to the palace where they could claim their kills from the Queen.

"Hey, we haven't gotten to introduce ourselves yet." said the girl who's name was still unknown to Leo and Sandra.

"Oh, I'm Leo and she's Sandra."


The hatred in the air uneased Leo deeply. The rest of the trip was silent until they arrived at the castle.

The moment the building was in sight, Leo could read an amazed expression on Amy's face.

"Impressing, isn't it?"

"It's so big!" She said, forgetting the presence of the girl she loathed.

"You haven't seen the amount of guards yet" the boy said, rolling his eyes. He remembered perfectly all the struggle they had to go through the last time they were visiting the Queen.

Amy's admiring expression quickly faded into a shocked, nearly scared one when they approached the palace. The large presence of security guards infested the view like a colony of ant workers running around a majestic sand castle.

The three Chupacabra exterminators went through all the security checks. Although this time was a little easier than last time because they were carrying the wanted creature, Amy's energy was still drained by half.

All three bowed to the Queen, who was slightly surprised by Jerry's absence and Amy's presence.

"Leave the corpse and leave."

"Yes your majesty" Leo, Sandra and Amy answered politely before spinning 180 degrees and leaving the room.

After they were out of the Queen's residence, Amy said a quick goodbye before heading to the other direction. Leo stopped her immediately.

"You said you were tracking the Chupacabra for weeks before today, is that right?"

"Yes, why are you asking?"

"Do you have any place to stay? You can join our team if you want. Your rank is high enough and the full moon is in a few days anyway." Leo asked, a little worried he might have insulted her since she had enough kills to create her own team.

"Uh sure? I don't really live anywhere so I guess that could be nice." She replied while jogging towards the other two.

"Since you have a new rank, why don't you tell us what gun you got?" Sandra asked in a cold tone.

Amy looked in her inventory, in search for the new gun, hoping it's not total garbage.

"A paintball gun?"

"That sounds cool!" Leo commented.

"Whatever you say, that gun's magazine is so bad compared to the fire rate, you'll have to reload it so often that it's completely useless in combat. I've seen one before." Sandra smirked knowing the girl she despised got a bad gun.

"We should head back, it's getting dark." Leo announced, hopping to change the subject.

"How can you even trust that stranger enough to reveal the location of our base to her." Sandra mumbled to herself, but loud enough so that Leo could hear.

"We've got an entire team against her, what can she even do?"



Inventory: Kunai(main melee), Windicator(gun), Classic Sword(melee), G-17(Citizen gun)

Ability: none

Kills: 17

Rank: Serial


Inventory: Combat Knife(main melee), Barret(gun), Energy Blade(melee), Makarov(Citizen gun)

Ability: healing

Kills: 17

Rank: Serial


Inventory: karabmit(birth melee)

Ability: X-ray vision.

Kills: 20

Rank: Serial


Inventory: P90(Citizen gun), tomahawk(main melee), machete, hand cannon, shovel(Hero melee), AKM, paintball gun(Elite gun)

Ability: None

Kills: 51

Rank: Elite

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