New homie(pt. 2)

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Patrick led her to a locked room. He then took out a silver key and unlocked the door. Sandra thanked him and he walked away. She opened the door to something she never expected to see.

Someone was already attacking their target. The attacker looked related to his victim. Probably his younger brother, she thought. The person that was stealing their kill then noticed Sandra. She froze.

"Help me kill my father, kiddo." He said while slicing his fathers arm. "Please."

"I-I'm here to kill the leader of the Kobras" Sandra stuttered not know what to do.


"Alright, alright" Sandra said taking out her rifle. "Can my friend get the assist?" Then she shot the leg, the way it was planned. BANG!

The sound of the shot was so loud it was even noticeable at the entrance of the base. Leo jumped into the room and shot the target on the head, blasting blood everywhere in the room, immediately killing him. The leader dropped an energy blade and a Barrett at his death. The melee he dropped is a very strong one.

"You got some explaining to do" Leo said to the other dude.

"Ok so I am Jerry, sorcerer citizen. The person you just killed is my dad, Kovit, leader of the Kobras, and that makes me the heir of that team."

"Yea but that doesn't explain why you where attacking him" Sandra said, making Jerry smirk in amusement.

"He was a very abusive father. It started when I was a child. He would never let me go outside. I know that is what protective fathers do, but I never got to meet new people except for the ones that he brings to me during training. For these people, Kovit beat them up in front of me and I can't do anything about it other than watch them slowly bleed to death. Occasionally, he would force me to kill those innocent people. If I disobeyed him, he would beat me up."

"Wow, that really explains everything!" Leo said.

Jerry smiled. "Now that I'm the leader, would you two want to join the team?"

Leo and Sandra looked at each other. "We're both at one kill left from Citizen rank."

"I can offer you someone to get an assist on, since the full moon is in a week."

"You would actually do that? Even knowing that you wouldn't get an assist for that?" The Newbies asked.

"I would gladly help my first two friends. Beside, I need an explanation for that." Jerry said pointing at his father's body.

He found a sinful being passing by the base and came back with the person ten minutes later. Jerry forced the victim to give Leo and Sandra a weapons each and they got an assist. Leo stabbed the person half to death and let Sandra finish him with a shot from his own gun. It's so cruel to do such a thing, he thought, but "I'll be worth it at the end".

Leo decided to take both weapons the victim just dropped (Little Tom and a small dagger) just to return it later because the weapons are really trash.

Now that Leo and Sandra got their final required kill, the three friends could chill and mess around. However, Leo was bothered about the ceremony. What if he misbehaves? What if he messes up something and everything goes wrong?

[A.N.]: Shutout to firethinggy666 on Roblox. The person also has a wattpad (again, also firethingy666)

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