The hunt/fire golem

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The Queen arrived to the construction camp accompanied by two bodyguards on each side. The local worker pointed the trio discretely while trembling like a city bus on a bumpy road, without moving his vocal cords by one nanometer.

She walks towards the corpse of the crypted elegantly and fearlessly. The highly ranked examined the wounds with her microscopic vision abilities and looked through her all knowing mind to search for the DNA of the Wendigo. She then looks at the trio dead in the eyes and points their weapons menacingly. They immediately understood the messages and gave her what they were holding. The Queen matches the DNA in the blood cells on the silver knife with the ones on the corpse and proceeds to identify the finger prints on the handle of the knife. She lifts Sandra's hand using telethinknesis to match it to her hand.

The Queen continues without saying a word. She matches the bullet that Jerry shot with the ones that were left in the magazine and even scanned the net for fingerprints. She then spits out her first words:

"Organized kill". She looks up to the Kobras and adds "You kids are lucky that I'm very bored today" before leaving the site.

The kids first reflex was to look at their wrist. The number on their arm increased by three. They looked at each other before shouting in victory. They succeeded.

But that moment of joy only lasted a few minutes. Jerry facial expression suddenly changes and becomes cold again. He spoke in the glacial tone he usually talks in: "We gotta go"

The trio grabbed their weapons and left the site. The two youngest still couldn't believe how they got the wanted creature to go extinct, but they were happy it happened. Leo realized something.

"Hey Jerry, the Queen was so close. We could've got her"

"Because you could doesn't mean you should. She was accompanied by too many people and she was prepared. We need to strike when she lowers the guard and trusts us more."

"I guess.." he replied.

As they passed by the airport, Sandra noticed a strange pile of burnt boxes, still smoking.

"Hey guys? What's that?" She says, pointing at the pile.

Before any of them could say another word, a shadow moves onto them. The air felt suddenly drier and hotter.

"The fire golem!" Said Leo, who had already turned around.

"Get some water" Jerry said, almost completely calm.

Sandra looked around but found no water. "Of course there can be no water nearby. This is an airport. Water isn't aloud here." But then a thought raced up to her mind. "Don't they empty all their water bottles before entering?"

She sprinted into the building, ignoring all the security guards shouting at her. Before the final security check in stood a line of people. Without thinking about manners, she snatched the full water bottles of a few people before leaving the building, again, ignoring the tens of guards chasing her.

Sandra threw a bottle in Leo's direction. He caught it with ease and opened it as fast as he could before splashing the liquid content of the bottle onto the giant. The water made a fuzzing sound at the contact of the golem's hard skin and, instead of weakening it, it made it angrier.

The boys backed away from the animated mass of rocks and fire. Seeing that the humans approached the pit of smoking boxes, the fire golem got more aggressive and slammed its flaming fist on the ground, making it tremble. He popped the cap open and splashed all the water on the pile of boxes, making the golem screech in agony.

[A.N.]: I'm gonna be putting character stats at the end of chapters.


Inventory: Kunai(main melee), Windicator(gun), Machete(melee), Classic Sword(melee), G-17(Citizen gun)

Ability: none

Kills: 8

Rank: Citizen


Inventory: Combat Knife(main melee), crowbar(melee), rifle(gun), Barret(gun), Energy Blade(melee), Makarov(Citizen gun)

Ability: healing

Kills: 8

Rank: Citizen


Inventory: karabmit(birth melee) 

Ability: X-ray vision.

Kills: 11

Rank: Serial

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