The hunt/Wendigo pt.2

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They spent the rest of the day, as well as the next day training, preparing themselves to fight the most dangerous creature on their list. Soon, the day arrived and they'll have to fight the beast.

The trio woke up at 8:00am and arrived at the construction camp at 9.

Jerry grabbed his gun, took out the amo in it and replaced with 7 silver bullets. If his aim is as good as in training, he could probably get 3-4 bullets to hit. He is informed of the beast's insane speed.

Sandra held a silver butterfly knife that she borrowed from one of the team members, ready to tear the monster in pieces the second it's trapped.

Leo on the other hand, was standing behind his friends, holding nets, strings and chains. The day before, he trained more than ever to aim projectiles.

The Kobra members has scouted the entire top part and is now heading towards the basement. Once they entered, the girl saw a skull that seemed to belong to a deer of some sort. She decides to inspect it, but the moment she touches it, her vision turns red and an unexplainable sudden rage gets her.

Thankfully, the boys' reflexes were fast. Jerry shootes the wendigo the millisecond it entered the room. Curious at the sound, Sandra, still in rage mode, turns around. Leo throws the net onto the monster the moment before Sandra attacks.

She wouldn't stop stabbing the creature until it's dead, because of the rage. Looks like the skull-headed animal had a taste of it's own medecine. It's intention was to have Sandra on it's side so she could do all the dirty work for it, but Sandra is a smart girl. Smart and strong. She knew how to control herself, even when there is a supernatural force controlling her, sucking the humanity out of her.

The rage snapped out of her mind when the wendigo died. Her eyes opened wide out of realization. Her memories from what just happened were blurry. 

"What happened?" She asked.

"You touched that skull and your irises turned red. You were going for us before I shot the wendigo, who entered at the right moment. I think your rage makes you dumber too since you fell for the gun shot and started stabbing the creature." Jerry told her.

"I remember red, I remember that uncontrollable anger.."

"Hey we should find a way to carry it to the Queen" Leo said pointing at the corpse, trying to change the subject.

"But how are we gonna hide it? If we carry it, it will be visible to the public and they will attempt to attack us in order to get the credits for killing it." Sandra said, mad at Leo for changing the subject. She suspected them for hiding something from her. They refused to tell her what happened when her mind wasn't conscious.

"How about the team comes with us?" The leader suggested. "The'll hide and come out if anything goes wrong." 

"It's still a little risky to carry-" Leo stopped to bring the attention to a construction worker who just entered the room. He stopped for a second. "Get out of here this place is not publi-" he saw the corpse and takes out his phone, entering the number of his boss. 

"Hello? Call the Queen."

"What?! Why? Why did you come and disturb me in the first place?" A female voice said at the other side of the line.

"They killed it"

Hangs up

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