First kill

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Leo is a 12 years old regular Nonentity, but age doesn't matter in this world once you turn 5. Ever since his Teacher taught him the social pyramid, he swore to not kill a single person. To this day, he still couldn't believe how messed up the Queen's system is. Sometimes, he even thought of stopping the Queen himself, but he knew that it was nearly impossible without getting any kills, and he wouldn't get that lucky. Strangers often attempted to kill Leo but his father always caught his back in time, and he is still very grateful. This time, he couldn't have his father to protect him because, well...he got killed.

His father was a Elite and had him when he was a Hero. He died hit by a lightning released by a GOD, that unfortunately picked him as victim this year (This takes place in the streets in the map Assault in Arsenal, Roblox (just to help visualize the scene)). His father was his only family since his mother left him at birth. It is very common for mothers to leave their family at birth because staying only makes them more vulnerable and easy to kill.

Leo went to the beach to rest a little. He knew that the beach wasn't a safe place to rest but he couldn't really care at the moment.(map Beach)

The Nonentity woke up with a sharp pain in the lower left leg. He didn't even realize he fell asleep. Leo looked down and saw that he got shot. How did someone shoot me? Like, on the leg. The person has a gun. He must be experimented! He should have headshotted me! Wait, what if he just got his gun and this is the first time he's using it? But I was sleeping. Sleeping! I was immobile. He couldn't have missed his shot on a fixed target! 

Leo then looked around and spotted a girl trying to knife a Serial that is clearly the one who shot him. The girls injuries combined with the visible tiredness put her at an obvious disadvantage. Leo then took out his melee, a kunai that his mother left him at his birth and rushed towards the fight, forgetting about his injured leg.

The Serial was about to shoot the girl when Leo back stabbed the him. He was so surprised that he dropped his gun. His scarlet blood spilled everywhere as Leo pulled his dagger out of the man's back. The deceasing one dropped on the sand, making the powdery sand dust fly everywhere. The scent of the dead mixed with the strong metallic odor of made the kid's eyes water.

The girl healed herself before healing Leo's injured leg. He couldn't believe it! He just killed someone. Killed! Leo is no longer a Nonentity! He finally has some worth in this society, but has lost the innocence he swore to defend.

"First kill?" The girl guessed.


"Congrats Newbie" the girl said "and thanks for saving me" she added.

"But you saved me first!" Leo pointed out.

The girl winces "I couldn't let him get such an easy kill" she mumbles.

"I'm Sandra, by the way" she said, changing the conversation

"Leo, regular Newbie"

"Cool! I'm a sorceress Newbie" Sandra replied, losing her previous enthusiastic tone.

"And what's wrong with that?" Leo asked, curious.

"Since my power is healing, the other sorcerers reject me because it's not useful in killing"

"But killing is bad!"

"I know. Where do you think my three kills came from? My first kill was a Nonentity that tried to back stab me. My second kill was from a crazy drunk Newbie trying to rape me, and he isn't even ranked high enough. My third kill..."

"OK I get it." Leo said quickly before Sandra could state any more.

Shout out to my friend Teleportation26 (or 123tp2007 aka her second account) on Roblox and go follow her insta, tuphi_.

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