Chapter 17 - High Point

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Author's Notes:

⚠Trigger warning⚠ for this chapter in that Violet has the results of some marijuana edibles (and takes a few more).

The theme song for this chapter is:

Ashes     by     Stellar


As we got ready to exit the tattoo parlor, I lifted the hem of my shirt again and stared at the sexy new stud that glistened from my belly button. There were so many instructions that I had been given on after-care for this little hole that I was kind of surprised. I wasn't really one hundred percent coherent enough to sensibly remember them all, but luckily they gave me several pages of instructions of care and told me that I wouldn't have to start on any of it until tomorrow, when I would be much more sober and able to deal with all of this.

Right now, I was just feeling really good from whatever was in those little gummies and amazed at how much the little stone glinted and glistened under the fluorescent bulbs, the little sparkly rainbows it threw when the light hit it just right. I tugged at the waistband of my jeans to pull them down in front and pulled my shirt up to show Sam, probably showing him tiny bits of my bra and panties, and liking it even more knowing that I was.

"Sam, isn't it pretty? It's so, so sparkly!"

"Make sure you keep an eye on her for the next three or four hours while those gummies wear off," Will reminded Sam, "And make sure she drinks plenty of water. She'll probably think she's pretty hungry, too, so it won't hurt to feed her a little. She can sleep it off, but if she's never done edibles before, I honestly probably wouldn't trust that she could sleep alone unattended. People have been known to do some crazy shit on these things."

Sam told Will, "Can I talk to you alone for a second? It's been years since I've done weed and I've never done edibles. I need to know what I'm working with, here," and just like that, the two men had slid away from the front desk, leaving me there alone. There were no other customers in the lobby.

I looked down. The gummies were still sitting there on the desk, right within my reach. And no one was there to witness. If two gummies made me feel this good, what would five gummies do? I reached into the bag and pulled out three more, popping two in my pocket and the other in my mouth under my tongue.

"Okay, Violet," said Sam, putting his palm on my lower back, "Let's get you home."

"Okay, Sammy," I cooed, giving him a kiss on his cheek and putting my arm around his back, suddenly noticing how bulky and firm his back muscles were My hand began running over all of his muscles and feeling them, massaging as I ran my hand lower and lower, finally resting on his amazingly firm ass and giving his cheeks each a little squeeze before Sam pulled my hand off of his backside. "I never realized how muscular your back was. It feels very nice!" I giggled at him.

"I'm sure it does, Vi. Come on, Cinderella, let's get you to the car before you turn into a pumpkin."

I laughed. "Cinderella doesn't turn into a pumpkin, silly! Her carriage does! Because the Fairy Godmother comes along and she makes a pumpkin into it with," I waved my arm like I had a wand and sang, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"

I began humming the Disney tune in my head and waving my arm around like I had a wand, pointing it randomly at Sam and Will, making a silly but seductive little dance to go along with the tune, then broke down laughing hysterically at the look on their faces. Will had an amused grin on his face, but Sam looked angry, like a scolding parent about to ground me.

Grounding me? What did I do again?

Oh, thank god Sam isn't really my dad because that would just be weird as fuck. Especially since we made out.

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