Chapter Thirteen

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Dawn's P.O.V 

After 12 hours of labor I finally had my kids and do you want to know the best part? There was three of them. Apparently the third baby was hiding behind the second one. 

The first one was a boy so we named him Adam Xavier SaVahn. He was about 21 inches and weighed 6 pounds. He had hazel eyes and soft white skin.  

The second one was a girl and we named her Beatrice Elizabeth SaVahn. She was 19 inches and weighed 6 pounds and 4 ounces. She had blue eyes and her skin was also a soft white.

The third and last one was a boy and we named him Charles Kirby SaVahn. He was 20 inches and weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces. He had light brown eyes and the same skin as his brother and sister. 

"Dear?" I looked up at my husband who was staring at the picture he took of them. 

"Yes love?" I said still exhausted but smiled at him weakily.

He walked over to me and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together he kissed my hand. "You did an amazing job, but tell me. Why do we have children with three different eye colors? Is this what it's like having mixed kids?"

I laughed and shrugged. I tried to look at the picture better so he leaned the phone towards me and I looked at the picture with a smile. They were so beautiful and I couldn't have done a better job if I say so myself. 

Edward's P.O.V.

Our kids were beautiful if I must say so myself. People came in and out to see Dawn and our  babies and they were so amazed at our kids beauty. I knew I would always have a beautiful family but I couldn't imagine this in a million years.

Days later it became time to come home and we were faced with the issue of getting a third crib for Charles but we did it. The kids were not easy to take care at first but they turned into saints as time when by. 

As each day went by the kids seem to grow bigger and bigger and advance more. In a couple months time they were sitting up and giggling all the time. Their skin became tan and I jokingly blamed Dawn everyday for it but she rolled her eyes and just chucked something at me.

All their eyes stayed the same color but all of them had reddish brown hair that they got from Dawn and I must say, they were beautiful. Before we knew it they were growing teeth and their hair was curling on top of their head. They were all crawling and making chaos in the house. For some reason, I wasn't mad though. I enjoyed fatherhood.

That was until their first  birthday was came...

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